I cannot say for the moment.
I want to work a lot during Christmas holidays, and try to release it for 1st of January, but, you know I am adding more stuff in everyday.
The major feature about 2.0, is for me :
Being able to work on the individual features, without creating collateral damages.
A kind of pluggables system for every features (filters, tasks, field types, rules, etc...)
And for you, stability, good standard ... and Joomla 3.0 support, in a cross compatibility mode.
Means that your component will be supported on all alive versions.
But don't worry, this is in a really good way.
I hope the hollidays more quiet with the support.
(Don't worry, it is a pleasure to speak and help you guys)
Keep on touch, and the best way to get this realease, is to continue your signalements about issues.
After 2.0 release :
- New website
- New features
- Docs and tutorials
- JDom in Joomla core (will propose it, but I must fork, and interess me to that stuff)
By the way, I have a lot of stuff to propose in the core...