I tried your projects, it works perfectly.
Are you logged in front-end ?
Does the user account have the rights to edit ?
Do you want everybody can manage the database ?
Some notices I found in your component :
- Don't call your component 'com_template'. It is too much generic I think. Cook don't block specials names, you can even call your component 'com_admin'. But be CAREFUL when you do this. In the sandbox, it is not a problem, but it can highly damage your Joomla installation if you call your component same name than another. (v1.5 is safe for this, but 1.6 and after : be careful)
- I saw you specified some redirections to the front form layout for all task buttons, in the same form layout. Means that the user can't go back to the list, even with the cancel button. Is this normal ?
Ok for the Warning. The Warnings don't block the application, but must be cleaned. Thank you for your notice.