
New features

JDom as pluginConfiguration JDom plugin Joomla

Use only one instance of JDom per website.
Reuse all JDom features in any components and modules.

Note : if you want to integrate JDom inside your extension (legacy way), you must choose 'integrated' in the JDom property of the project configuration.

Open Source under MIT licence :

You can contribute to JDom on github :  https://github.com/Cook-Self-Service/JDom

Auto-install extensions

A new folder (extensions) in your component is containing the extensions to install after you component installation acomplished. 


  • FK empty lists and filters
  • Cleaned various fatals removed and warnings
  • Some language strings at installation
  • JDom : jQuery UI assets (not loaded anymore from component)
  • joomla.javascript.js : removed call

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