Hi Admin,
For starters, I really like the orm system! I have forked my project heavily but I am working through all the changes.
I came across some point, which I would like to share.
I have used the orm system to get a specific item like in the example:
$city = XxxxHelper::getData('city', array(
'select' => 'name', 'population'
), 3); // Load the city #3
This does not seem to work for me, I get NULL and not an item object.
When I do is on the list model:
$city = XxxxHelper::getData('cities', array(
'select' => 'name', 'population'
), 3); // Load the city #3
I get a list with one item, but then I have to do $list[0] to get the item.
Not a big issue, but also not as designed I guess?
Furthermore the relation bit seems not to work always, it looks as if you need to have the relation already declared to be able to use it.
When the relation is not in the model constructor in the class, you can not use it.
That might became a hairpuller if you are not aware of it, I am correct to state this?