The Edite/Delete buttons now work inside the grid, but the delete button is linked to the wrong view.
Deleting a record should display the updated grid again, instead it calls the edit form, which is wrong.
Are you talking about the grid buttons or the toolbar buttons ?
I don't see the bug, so please tell me what project/table/side... you are talking about.
If you are using the toolbar buttons, please don't specify any redirecting layout in the properties and tell me what you get.
Also the delete botton should have some security check "Do you really want to delete this item(s)?". If you click on delete the record it is unrecoverably gone.
Right. Keep in touch.
Also, if you move the edit/delete button to the grid, the selection field at the beginning does not make sense any longer. In this case it could be hidden.
This is right, but you can really easily remove it from your template.
All stuffs that are about HTML are secondary. This is not for what Cook has been build.
It is good that you enter in the soure code and understand how the component works. It will always be the same structure, so it is really useful for you entering in it and learning it.
Of course, little by little, step-by-step I will ameliorate the HTML possibilities and design, but for now I have lot of functionalities to develop on the application layer.
Also a problem with the Apply button. Usually this is used to enter multiple records one after the other without the need to go back to the grid every time, so after clicking Apply, a new empty form should be presented to the user. If you just modify the data on the form, the record will be only updated.
Also clicking Apply, then entering new data, then clicking Save just updates the record instead of creating a new one.
The description you do about Apply buttons is the "Save & New" button. In Joomla, Apply is to stay on the current item form (in order to see the changes, for example)
The Save & New Task button is on the list for next devs.