The problem only appears if I have embed framework off which means it must be a jquery incompatibility between version 1.8.2 which is embedded and the current jquery at which you use when not embedded.
I am testing with the sandbox as well as on my own servers.
With embed off, it's giving the .live and .die is not a function.
If we fix these by replacing them with .on() and .off() as per the jquery upgrade guide, we get to validationEngine is not a function.
all are within js/jquery.validationEngine.js and called from administrator/components/com_X/views/X/tmpl/X.php as:
X being the name of the component.
If we comment out those calls, the cancel button works properly with Embed Off.
Cook Config:
Framework JQuery
Embed (Off gives errors) (On works)
Form style condensed
Features recudes
V2 settings:
DB Auto: Model
Timeout: 20secs