Hi Both (@vivek & @admin),
Despite having developed numerous custom plugins for Akeeba Subscriptions using FoF, I must admit, I was blissfully unaware of the true power of it until today! Sure, I was damn impressed by the quality of the plugin API however, I'd attributed it completely to Akeeba Subs and at that point, I had only really used 1% of FoF's capabilities. Since its integration into Joomla 3.2 and the announcement of it's inclusion on the J-Cook Roadmap, I'd been dying to read the complete docs but for various reasons, I haven't had time. Today, I finally did it!
FoF + J-Cook = AWESOME!!100
Anyways, back to the thread...
As you said/implied, the core joomla 'content' events such as onContentAfterSave() are readily implemented for you when FoF is enabled which I think is very slick! However, FoF's plugin 'hooks' are slightly different in purpose & implementation to that in Cook. They are intended to expose your extension to the wider system events to enable plugins to manipulate the output of your extension dynamically (Observer/Observable paradigm). Plugin events are decoupled in the sense that the 'calling' extension is never aware of the plugins that will manipulate its output (return to the subject), nor are the plugins really aware of the extensions calling them.
In Cook on the other hand, forks work 1:1. It is intended to provide a mechanism to further develop iterations of your 'Cooked' components without losing prior, forked modifications. Once a component is production ready, you'd most likely want to merge all forked files/methods etc. into their 'core' counterparts before removing calls to check/call them. This is a 'single' overridden instance of an object, class, form or whatever provided by the cook fork system.
Have you read the
FoF Developers Guide?
Assuming that your goal is to specifically go the FoF route to 'open up' your extensions via a plugin mechanism, you could take a look at how to 'enable' FoF in your component... It'll be a lot faster to work out how to do it manually for one extension than it will for poor @admin who'll have to get his head around doing it all automatically us. Plus, It doesn't look difficult at all in terms of adapting an existing component - all in the docs. Alternatively, if you're not specifically interested in FoF and your primary goal is to create some 'listeners' for your component to trigger, the
Joomla Docs on the subject are in a moderately healthy state.
To conclude: IMHO I don't think that it's really a question of
event triggers instead of fork system
I mean,whilst their functionality may at first appear similar to an extent, the purpose they each serve is quite different. Both are excellent at what they do.
FoF's event triggers (or Joomla native ones for that matter) are a mechanism to provide 3rd party integrations with your extensions whilst J-Cook forking is a development tool.
Anyway, that's just my 2 pennies-worth! I think its all up for debate...
Please share your experience of it, whichever path you take... We'd love to hear how you went about it and how it turned out.
hope there's something useful in there!