My point was not how ACL's are organized in joomla but in COOK !
I already have all my groups and levels defined but ....
I'll try to explain .. not so easy
when I enter my component URL by a direct link access in the address bar of the browser..
I can easily access to the page where I see my table headers.
The content (rows) are not displayed due to the ACL restrictions but there is nothing that prohibits to display the page.
I can also pass a requested view &view=... and is working smoothly
I have no "Option" icon on the back-end when I select my component in the menu where I could define more groups as shown in the demo video.
So my point is how (and where) I can say to COOK that I don't want direct access to my component ?
In this case I would like to Joomla redirects me to a page saying "You have no right to display this content".