Well, it was a very simple component, just one table with less than 10 fields, a frontend and backend list and form, no extra php coding, just some cleanup of the html code. Actually, after carefully listening to the very good demos, checking the forum, I already hat the first draft installed on Monday evening, so just one day. It took me some more time as I had to rename everything a few times and refine a few things.
Although I know PHP and developed a Joomla 1.5 component with the help of a PHP frame, I always shunned the whole MVC stuff. Unfortunately this PHP frame seems to belong to the category of abandonware, so I had to look for something else. I was also not very happy with the various forms generators. They are all sheer overkill if you just want to create simple forms and lists.
I will certainly put my comment in JED. My next project will be more complex. It will have more tables and needs a search form with the capacity to search all fields of a table and tooltips, which do not seem to be implemented yet.