I think this has something to do with view alias and default
The query I got in debugging is
SELECT a.id,a.created_by,a.published
FROM p17oj_rtcallout_managers AS a
WHERE (0 OR (a.published = 1 OR a.published IS NULL))
ORDER BY a.ordering asc
LIMIT 0, 20
However the model is
case 'managers.managerdirectory':
$this->addSelect( 'a.account,'
. 'a.mobile_number');
$this->addSelect('_account_.name AS `_account_name`');
$this->addSelect('_account_.email AS `_account_email`');
$this->addJoin('`#__users` AS _account_ ON _account_.id = a.account', 'LEFT');
but herein lie the issue as the MODEL CALL in view.html is
$state->set('context', 'managers.default');
So the alias is managerdirectory but its the default view hence the model SHOULD say
I made this change, and the view is now fully propegated and the new query from console is
SELECT a.id,a.created_by,a.published,a.account,a.mobile_number,_account_.name AS `_account_name`,_account_.email AS `_account_email`
FROM p17oj_rtcallout_managers AS a
LEFT JOIN `p17oj_users` AS _account_
ON _account_.id = a.account
WHERE (0 OR (a.published = 1 OR a.published IS NULL))
ORDER BY a.ordering asc
LIMIT 0, 20