I already read your previous message.
We are actually fixing this bug.
The problem come from that you specified fields named ID.
The 'id' field is automatically created, even the 'params' fields.
The fix we are working consist to forbid the use of theses aliases for fields names in the table.
What you have to do :
Delete all your 'id' fields and never use this name.
Regenerate your component.
Others problems we noticed in your component :
* In your 'Facilities' table, the bricks are in double (toolbar, filters, grid)
If your remember how you did this, please tell us (this should be impossible)
-> Remove the doubled bricks if you don't want to see strange things (It works, but doubled tasks in toolbar, etc...)
* You named another layout 'Facilities', that conflicts with another 'Facilities' layout.
This will be forbidden in next update.
-> For now, please delete or rename the layout named 'Facilities' in the 'Territories' table.
-> Same for 'Facility' layout in 'Territories' table (change also the alias name)
If you do this, everithing should be OK.
An update will take place soon.
Thank you helping our team.