When the user selects an action to do on a file ('remove', 'thumbs', 'delete', 'trash'). there is no INFO about what he just selected.
this is what I do:
in order to do that we have to modify the file root\administrator\components\com_component\dom\html\form\input\file\default.php around the line 160, add this:
$jsRemove .= "jQuery('#". $this->getInputId('action-selected') ."').html('". JText::_("JDOM_ACTION_SELECTED") .": ". $item['text'] ."');";
around the line 179 modify the following lines:
//Close the control
$html .= '</div>' .LN;
$html .= '</div>' .LN;
$html .= $this->buildMaxSize();
//Close the control
$html .= '</div>' .LN;
$html .= $this->buildMaxSize();
$html .= '</div>' .LN; /* hack */
around line 188 change the following lines:
$html .= $this->buildFileExtensions();
return $html;
and add:
$html .= $this->buildFileExtensions();
$html .= '<span class="action-info" id="'. $this->getInputId('action-selected') .'"></span>'; /* hack */
return $html;
add a bit of CSS to the css files:
.action-info {
font-size: 80%;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
add language string: JDOM_ACTION_SELECTED="Action selected"
to the language files.
and we are done.