considering usability,
idea thay You have written in another post:
"ID field visible in the list, so you can take it as a normal field. "
would be very intuitive and clear.
I ve been working wiht builder for more than 100 hours and
I love j-cook for data integrity and iterative data binding process
(working out best solution)
Having ID in form makes possible even making many to many realation,
only thing is to upgrade insertion interface,
but before you fork is good to have everting more or less in place,
sometimes you know that after long experimetations and trials.
because to that having id in draft form is essential my opinion.
We can talk a lot, if you like, about ideas and impovents linke nesting collections in tabs,
custom buttons with redirections to pages, and links to collection in modals,
but dont want to lose the point