I am using your code for a list of markers in a map.. here is my version (api removed)
<?php echo JDom::_('html.fly.map.google', array(
'keyAPI' => 'xxxxx',
'markers' => array(
'fitBounds' => true,
// Set the markers datas from a list
'list' => $this->items,
'dataKeys' => array(
'lat' => 'lat',
'lng' => 'lng',
// Search by name, or address, when the coordinate are missing or empty
'address' => '{name} {postcode}',
// Set the marker title
'title' => '{name}',
// Template Description
'content' => '<span style="font-size:16px;">{summary}</span>'
)); ?>
The markers are all showing correctly (so model is pulling data) , but the content in {name} etc are just blank