Try, and you will see...
Well, publish wizard has changed a little bit.
It is becoming 'published' only for the field name.
Note : as much as possible, try to keep the defaults names for the wizards.
when the field name is unlocked, it means that you can use another field name, but almost of the time, Joomla impose a name field.
It can be subject for argumentation, but I guess the core team has already had this discussion.
To my opinion, an array property wich define the field names for the native features could be realizable.
Another important thing :
It is now an integer, to handle 'archived' and 'trashed' states. (It can handle more...)
For the moment nothing available more, but just ready for it.
We can call it 'State' instead of 'Publish', the field name remains 'published'
And to finish :
In the grid, the toggle button is always instancied for Publish field linked to the wizard.
... and you can toggle only true or false.
In future in the builder, the fly and grid displays will be handled like the form. I mean, you will be able to switch easily the control for the same data type.