For me it works. I cannot reproduce your problem for the moment.
Can you provide PTL ?
For remembering...
Reuse means that it reuse the current item ID (EDIT), or new generated ID resulting from a 'NEW'
if you set up reuse => filter_client, then CID will be transferred in this filter var. You should use this when you redirect to a page wich the current item is beeing applied as a filter.
In your example, the edited element should be : a Client.
Well, I am not sure to understand well your problem, but I can tell you :
The redirector is much simplier when you see the code, than when you deal with "Reuse", wich does not appear in code.
The redirector can be use as you want in a very simple way.
Open your code and you will probably find where is the problem. Cook has maybe an inconsistency in your special case I would like to check.
I can explain also better what happen when you edit.
Yes the filters are passed to the item, so it pressets the item FK automatically :
ex : .....&cid=34...&filter_client=1
Will open the edit layout with the predefined FK to the specified client passed in url. All FK can be initializated such way, by URL, so you can preset your forms directly from the link.