Hi pbianco,
On this forum, we will use the term 'Nested', when A and B is the same table. I mean hierarchical.
I precise it to speak a common language, even if 'nested' can be understood in your example.
Well, let's say 'Groups'.
Once you have selected a Country, the list of Towns of this Country can appear.
This is possible with the builder.
In your form, instance your FK : Town. (select the label you want, for example Town > Name, because if you do not do it, only a number will be shown)
Then, open the properties of it and select GroupBy : Country.
This will show all your Towns, grouped by Country.
You can do better with Ajax.
Click the Ajax option, and see the result
Well, it is working only with selects in native, but you have
only one word to change to convert it in
in your view.html.php collection files (Countries, Towns)
, function : displayAjax()
Find the generated html (uses JDom), and change the namespace of the select :
JDom::_('html.form.input.select', array(...
JDom::_('html.form.input.radio', array(...
Not tested, but sould work.
Enjoy JDom