I'm on my way to complete a component I have been working on with J-Cook, but now stocked with some issues.
Lets say that I have a main table for events with number of fields. each event entry also has some details with more than one entry, so I had to use a child table and route them by foreign keys to connect to the main table (events).
Now for displaying this, I need to add the entries of the child tables when viewing the main table on the fly view after creating the event.
As an example to explain this, The main event fields are id, title, and date and the child table fields are id (guest id )and guest name.
By this I would like to have the possibility to create the event first through a form view, then when in fly view, the guests table appears underneath the event details and captures the event id automatically and displays the table of the guests with possibility of adding, deleting or modifying the entries.
I think some of this needs to be done through customizing the component. But I'm lost and looking to get some tips for doing this.
Many thanks in advance for your help