I would say it depends how many tables.
If it is a huge CRM, you may be pushed to split your component in parts, realizing different roles. Sometimes it is even much better, because in that way you do not loose your custom when you regenerate.
If you want something without bug, Cook may does the job, but you will have to check everything CAREFULLY and test everything. Beta means that the 2.0 project is not finished, but the issues are fixed when they pops up as usual. Actually, I am really busy and not fixing, but it is unusual.
And for sure, even a released version still contain gremellins.
Cook permanently evolves as well.
If your client is unhappy AND if it is a Cook problem, Cook is not responsable or punishable because there is no warrantly terms.
CRM is easy to do with Cook, because it is almost only tables, filters, forms and links between all this.
Pretty sure you can realize a big percentage with it and lot of views already done without custom.
(Well, all the pages must have had a templating attention and customized a little bit for ergonomy)
Cook is limited as well (growing), but coding is easy inside.
Try a little project under 2.0 (beta), and read the source of it, try to play with it, then make your choice.
Do you HAVE do it in Joomla ?
If yes, you no dot have a lot of choice, because no other product is doing that for the moment.