This is an excellent case of study.
First, you can follow the tutorial to make a N-M (shame on me this is still not yet available)
And then, with all time free you have to your disposition, learn your component deeper.
With this new 2.5, AJAX comes with a standard, and if you code well, you do not nee a lot to write.
See how the ajax filters are working and try to reproduce something similar.
Someday I will write a tutorial how to use AJAX.
With the component you have, it is really a piece of cake to access, read, update the datas. All features and wizards will apply in order to do not have to care about the ACL layer for example.
You can also handle a part in a JDom class (UI only) if you want to reuse your work.
The acces and updates of the datas must be done in your component (MVC)