I have not used cook in about a month and a half. Yesterday i went in to create a new component. The look is completely changed. For example in the past you had icons for data types now you have words. This is not the problem, the problem is now i have a lot of missing functionality.
for example, When i added fields to a table, at the far right i had two icons, pencil to edit, and gloved hand to define required properties for field.
Now i have nothing in the edit column, no way to define field properties.
I have changes All over my cook development environment , there are no more pencil icons anywhere to edit, no more disk icons to save, no way to save.
When i create the table with fields and i leave cook, when i come back the fields have field label "My null" in them and the field name is blank like if nothing was saved.
Have i missed something in the last month and a half?