Excellent question.
Your component create hidden thumb files. Theses files start with a point.
If you work under macintosh, you don't see them.
Find a way to be able to see them. (personally, I use a FTP browser for that : Transmit)
These files are named respectively with theses parameters. But the quality param is not handled in the thumb file name.
Two solutions :
- Delete the concerned hidden thumb file and redo the operation
- Work with the 'on the fly' mode. It means that your component will always recreate the thumb (use more CPU)
For that, open classes/images.php and change this line :
define(XXXX_IMAGES_PHYSICAL_THUMB, true); //Create an hidden thumb file with parameters
to :
define(XXXX_IMAGES_PHYSICAL_THUMB, false); //Create an hidden thumb file with parameters