Hii Cheff!
$fieldSet = $this->form->getFieldset('newcandidatos.form'); //My New FORM
$field = $fieldSet['jform_nome'];
echo $field->input; //This print my InputText name. OK!
I managed to filter the information to catch only the input field which I wish!
In the example above I get the input field for name, in my new form. Its WORK GOOD.
Now I just wish to include a value to this field. This should work perfectly, see below!
$fieldSet = $this->form->getFieldset('newcandidatos.form'); //My New FORM
$field = $fieldSet['jform_nome'];
$field->value = 'change val test'; // Cannot access protected property JFormFieldCktext::$value (X.x)
The problem is that the variable (value) is a protected variable. She is not a public variable, so I can not modify this value! (T.T).
What could I do?