For a basic filter :
'select' => array(
'access' => array(
// ACCESS : Restricts accesses over the local table
'a' => array(
'publish' => 'published',
'author' => 'created_by'
'filter' => array(
'fk_user' => array(
'value' => $theCurrentUserId
You can also write this in a new $this->orm(..); call (for identifiyng your forks it is practical)
Then, about the 'acces' filter, it is only used for authoring, publishing, and viewlevels.
At the moment, use a simple filter as I told you. Then, you can need the 'access' orm feature in some cases.
I try to explain...
actualy, the access feature has two reasons to be :
First purpose: When you are using the 3 possible directives (authoring, publishing, and viewlevels), then you get a special filter that is a combinaison of the three. Some allow, other restricts.
Second purpose : Propagation. It is used when the local items are linked to foreign table with filters on it. The basic example is to show 'articles' only from the filtered 'categories'. Then in the article query, you get a very complex query (see in com_content).
In your case, you can eventualy need this propagation, but you can also do it with simple filter, the same as previous, simply you filter over 'mytable.fk_user' as filter name.
ORM is really great when you start to use it. (better than JDom, lol)