Hi All,
trying to struggle with what should be a simple SQL solution. Apologies that this isn't 100% related to j-cook however it's part of my j-cook projects.
I need to work with 2 Tables; jos_users and my own jos_easypropmgr_landlords. Now due to my poor planning I do not have a relationship between the two, and I should - I need one.
Keep in mind that I'm working with legacy (existing system) data.
Every landlord needs to be a jos_user.
So with jos_easypropmgr_landlords I have a landlord_id which already exists (legacy) and a landlord_emailaddress (same).
With the exception of the 'admin' user in jos_users I could easily trash all records in the existing jos_users table.
Should I perform some sort of sync where I use an UPDATE SQL or INSERT so that the jos_users Table is rebuilt with a jos_users.id = landlord_id? And could some kind soul tell me how to do so with SQL please?? (Im a noob).
Or is there a better way to ensure that I can achieve:
landlord_id = {the jos_users.id of current user logged in}
Sorry for long post, and sincerely appreciate any suggestions.
Kind Regards,