Hi thanks for the reply I'm still struggling to get it to work though so heres my query:
$db = JFactory::getDBO() ;
$db->setQuery( "SELECT fldproductshelp FROM #__catering_help WHERE id = 1" );
$help = $db->loadResult();
$this->assignRef('help', $help);
Is this correct?...
Then this is what it looks like in the function:
function display($tpl = null)
$layout = $this->getLayout();
case 'productsitem':
$fct = "display_" . $layout;
$db = JFactory::getDBO() ;
$db->setQuery( "SELECT fldproductshelp FROM #__catering_help WHERE id = 1" );
$help = $db->loadResult(); // if you select ONLY ONE data
$this->assignRef('help', $help);
Is this correct?...
Finally I assumed when you say template file that i use the item_fly for that section and i've tried just using:
<?php $this->myObject ?> - Where i want the string to display
and also ive tried:
<?php echo JDom::_('html.fly', array(
'dataKey' => '_lsthelpsave_fldproductshelp',
'dataObject' => $this->help
But neither way has worked. Any pointers or any help is really fully appreciated. Have you thought about doing any tutorials for codeing in the component? I understand your really busy with j-cook development but haveing a few tutorials might help slow down the amount of questions being asked in the forums. I find tutorials best for getting concepts and processes to stick in my mind, as long as they have a bit of explanation. anyway any help whatsoever would be amazing! cheers in advance.