Well, JForms.
What you see is the contracted version of your form.
Is enumerating all the fields founds in the XML form file :
In this XML file, you will find all the differents possibles forms for this table. (distinct front/back)
So, you can freely add / remove some fields here.
In the template now :
You can also replace your layout page with JDom calls, as before.
The only thing changed is you must specify the field group : jform (always, for the moment)
JDom::_('.....', array(
'formControl' => 'jform'
You can adopt another way to display the fields, something else than only a ul list.
So, a possibility is to can call each individual field, in order to display them how you want. You'll find good tutorials.
I may explain it later, but not the courage now.
Just to explain you something important.
JForms is not here to help you rendering the HTML. It is not really the goal.
Using JForms means that you have a better coherence for PHP validation rules, you can group the fields, etc...
But regarding the HTML rendering, it is really poor. It still implements JHTML inside
There are a lot to do to handle well the unique statements
No JS client side validator... (strange because thi idea behind JForms can be to unifiate the JS and PHP validations)
Files are not handled.
ACL views are not handled....
So to my opinion, in J!2.5, JForms still lacks and I had to create a layer common class, and to override every single field type.
JDom is kept and called in JForms. It can looks heavy, but it is not. Every class does its different job and in term of structure, it is good.
By the way, let comment and give me you opinions about JDom. Do you find it usefull ? Do you think it is heavy ?
What about proposing it for the core ?