Hey Jonathan,
Seems like you're working on some kind of risk-analysis tool
For this kind of job, you'll really have to get into the source a tiny bit...
For starters, I'd be reluctant to have these fields into the database as they are easily autogenerated... (only exception I could think of: if some other program extracts data from the database that is too stupid to do the calculations itself)
So basically, you'll have to change what you get to see... (in the "MVC" lingo... this is what the V stands for: VIEW)
So you go to the VIEWS directory (be it admin or site, depending on frontend or backend), and select the view you want to edit (you named those views in your pages tab or J-Cook).
In here you have a file called view.html.php and a folder called tmpl. These two are of importance.
In the tmpl folder, you basically have HTML pages with some added PHP snippets to put the dynamic content inside. Reading this shouldn't be that difficult...
I hope you'll have a start with this...