in the begining i would like to say that j-cook is absolutly fantastic tool! And the person who crate it is genius.
I have created few components, and modify them for my purpose.
The problem that i have encountered is ridicul:
I have no idea how to show count of all items in the frontend collection view.
For exemple: I have 7 elements to show. I set paggination to show on every page 5 elements. So i get the view with 5 elements and paginnation to next page with 2 elements.
I need to show count of all found items (including filters, and search boxes).
I was thinking that model will contains all elements, but view get only elements that are going to be shown (in ex. 5 - not 7).
My main problem is that i do not understand where is the pleace that the selected items are cuted by the pagination.
Where can i get access to query and execute it (i mean the query created in prepareQuery)?
Or is there a posibility to get all items in view.html.php?
Is there an easy way of geting count of all elements matching query?
I do not care if I get access to this "magic" value by $this-> or $items-> or set this value to all items
Please help, or at least give me a clue where should i look in code.