Feature Requests

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New Feature Request


434 pts
Third tables
Ability to compose a project linked to the datas of another project.
142 pts
Component Config Form
Ability to create the component configuration page, the same than for a regular view.
Ability to create a data structure for the configuration the same way than building regular table.
39 pts
Version in the zip
Add the component version to the name of the zip file.
22 pts
Images & Icons library
Builder repository for keeping your reusable and sharable images and icons.
Once achieved, you will be able to customize better your creations.
Cpanel Icons, Icomoon in the pages titles, ...
16 pts
Improve the layouts UI
Organize better the bricks and custom the positions.
Ability to clone a layout
Ability to instance faster the fields with one click.
12 pts
Regex manager
Ability to insert and keep you own regular expressions, and share them with the community.
11 pts
Import languages strings
Ability to import the language strings from your translated component before to generate it again. Your translations will appear in the generated component and will be completed with the eventual new strings.
5 pts
Import Component
Offer the ability to import a component and recreate the structure from the SQL file, the dataset, views and layouts.
5 pts
Menu ordering in the menus
Ability to reorder the tables to change the default order of the menus.
1 pts
JSON Field editor
Ability to create a JSON Form inside a form.
Including a JSON field inside a JSON field will let you the ability to create JSON trees of datas.
0 pts
Autocomplete text
Autocompletion helper in the builder to edit faster your creations.
0 pts
Share a project between users
Ability to edit the same project between a team of users.
0 pts
Export the database diagram
Ability to export / Print the database diagram.
0 pts
Improve the dataset manager
Ability to take snapshots of dataset and to reload it in the sandbox afterwards.
0 pts
Organise Tables by groups
Ability to group tables between themselves for a better user experience.
The tables can be organized in categories depending their utility.
It would not affect the resulting source code. Only for editing.

HTML / Pages & Layouts

41 pts
Calendar view
Ability to create views in a calendar shape. Using the date/time fields from the table.
24 pts
Static Text Areas
Ability to create a "Static Content" brick in the builder and be able to edit customizable zones, whatever can be translatable texts, Joomla articles, modules position, ajax layouts from anywhere from your component. etc...
8 pts
Headless Layouts
Ability to render any layout from any view, using the "layouts" and JLayout CLass.
This would give the opportunity to build dashboards or to load any data anywhere, including in AJAX mode.
0 pts
Fly : Hide empty values
Ability to hide a field (and label) when its value is null in the fly view.
0 pts
PHP Comments
Ability to leave a PHP comment for every brick (in the builder)
It would write PHP comments for the developer inside every file relative of this brick.
For views / XML / templates, this can be a very nice feature for searching the parts of codes for customization.
0 pts
Disable scollbars
Ability to disable scrollbars in modals for instance.
0 pts
Thumbs default sizes
Ability to define a default size for the thumbs,
Or to define predefined sizes in the component configuration.
0 pts
Views by steps - Breacrumb
Ability to define a linear (or tree), step navigation.
This would allow to go back in navigation.

Model Wizards

104 pts
Mail notifications
Option to send a notification mail after creating an item.
83 pts
Language wizard
Multi languages contents. Adding some fields to create the versioning of items by language.
69 pts
Maps & Geocoding
Wizard for implementing a Map.
List of the features :
  • Google Maps & OpenStreets, maybe others.
  • Ability to drag and store the position value.
  • Geocoding and save automatically the positions
  • Batch Geocoding
12 pts
Publish Up / Down
Simply add the wizard to guide the user to create the correct names : publish_up, publish_down
Joomla! does it alone, but this wizard could instance the required fields.
11 pts
SEO metadatas
Simple wizard to implement the SEO meta tags of an item directly in the meta keywords of your page.
7 pts
Nested tables
Ability to transform a table in a recursive tree of datas.
0 pts
Shopping cart
Ability to keep items with their relations in the session. The shopping cart is NOT a complete shop, only the session stack.
0 pts
Improve aliasing
Ability to define more than one field in the source
0 pts
IP wizard (Request)
Read the user IP and keep in a IP field.
This feature can also read the full SERVER request containing the agent, the referral.. and much more.
0 pts
Share item wizard
Ability to free an authored and protected item, to the public.
This option would be directly available from the author user.


149 pts
Cross-Components Interractions
Ability to make multiple components working together :
  • Ability to link Foreign-Keys and any relations with third components.
  • Can interact others components even if not build with cook.
  • More connectivity with Joomla! native components.
  • Ability to split your big projects in parts
126 pts
Module generator
Ability to generate modules based on your component MVC
122 pts
Return page
A simple way to return back to the previous page, or to define the next page is to define the return parameter in the URL. It needs to be encoded 64. Lot of Joomla components works that way.
88 pts
Introduce the triggers in the component, in a maximum of possible places
  • Controller
  • Model
  • View
  • Helpers
  • Fields
  • ...
73 pts
Plugin Generator
Generate scaffoldings of plugins related to your component.
32 pts
Ajax - Edit in Place
Improve the ajax capacities in order to edit in place and replace the modal box way. Avoiding the iframe, doing it all in the same JS document. Modal box has sometimes problems in case of file upload, rich text, and checkout task in case of 'cancel' hit.
For all those reason, this feature promise you a full JS tiny framework, or a rich framework such as
  • Angular
  • Ember
  • Backbone
19 pts
JDom less
Introduce an option to avoid JDom from your components and use the Joomla native JHtml classes.
It would reduce the capacities of your component, but the component would be standalone.
18 pts
ACL in the item record.
Ability to extend the ACL for a specific item.
17 pts
ACL : core entry
Ability to restrict the access of the pages using the ACL.
9 pts
Ability to execute a task over a bunch of items.
6 pts
Combo ordering
Ability to choose the default ordering for a combo list.
Automatically on the 'ordering' column when the ordering wizard is used.
5 pts
Menu manager
Ability to create menus and tree of menus integrated to the component. Would be usefull for the back-end.
About the front-end, the custom menu could be automatically installed in the native joomla! menu manager. (ie : such as Kunena does)
4 pts
Paypal integration
0 pts
Model-less views
Ability to create views / layouts not based on datas or model. Would include toolbar and controller.
0 pts
Ability to connect and authenticate with another web 2.0 account.
0 pts
Improve the redirector engine.
  • Uses a XML file to configure it, or something equally flexible.
  • Integrate common pages : 'home', 'contact', 'etc'...
  • Keep historical in session to go back in real previous page, with a long stack or unlimited.
0 pts
User Profile
Ability to read / write native user profiles informations.
0 pts
Custom DB engine
Ability to change the DB engine choosing between : MyISAM / InnoDB
0 pts
JMS Multisites

Adding the basic requirements for your applications to be supported insinde the "JMS multisites" environement


228 pts
Export Datas
Ability to export a list, a filtered list or the results of a search (CSV, JSON)
13 pts
Step versions + Upgrade scripts
Ability from the builder to snapshot the database structure.
This feature would be able to detect the changes between two databases structures and automatically create the version step SQL script including : CREATE, DELETE, ALTER TABLE, RENAME ...
5 pts
External database
Ability to connect your component to an external databse
0 pts
1:1 Extend Native tables
Ability to build tables based on third component's tables, such as #__users.
The created tables in the component would act such as table extension.
0 pts
Built-in datasets
Propose some datasets ready to use.
  • Civil informations (M., Mrs, ...)
  • Geographic database
  • ...
0 pts
Database override option
Ability to override (DROP) the existing database on the component update.
0 pts
Disable the SQL install process
Option to disable the database installation of the component at install.
Asked from developers who simply want the files upgraded.
0 pts
Primary Key (ID) custom
Ability to change the field name of the primary key. (Actually always 'id')
Only the F.O.F. version can support that at the moment.


20 pts
N:m filters
Ability to filter on N:m / N:1 relations.


63 pts
Save forms through multi models
Ability to edit multiple different models in the same form.
17 pts
Nest forms
Ability to manage sub forms.
3 pts
Custom fields layout
Ability to display the fields in line or in a different HTML structure.
2 pts
Static text field
Ability to instance a static text in a row of a form instead of a regular control.
It would contains some explanations about the fields below. It could be placed anywhere.
It could also be introduced a "separator" field following the same concept.
0 pts
Accept non-root FK
In some case, if a FK refers to a table containing 1:1 link, the form would be able to show the information of any field of any extension of this table. Very often with the #__users table.
Example : One of your forms instance a Foreign Key to an account. This account link with #__users table in 1:1.
Then in your form you could show the 'username' property of the users table.
Only for this exception (1:1), Cook should not limit the FK combo to the first root level only.


87 pts
Link composer
Improve the "link to FK" feature. (Grid and Fly)
Ability to compose an url from the database item.
36 pts
Bootstrap Date/Time/Year control
Option to customize the datetime picker and use bootstrap UI component: bootstrap-datetimepicker
19 pts
Captcha field.
13 pts
Joomla! Tags
Integrate the native Joomla! Tags field.
6 pts
Improve the JS form validator
Improve the jQueryFormvalidator implementation, or change validator engine.
3 pts
Article FK + Modal Picker
Ability to link your component to a Joomla article, and to pickup the article with a modal picker in the forms.
3 pts
FK Modal Picker
Foreign Key Modal Picker
3 pts
Joomla category
Ability to use the native Joomla categories as regular Foreign Key
0 pts
Autogenerate field
Ability to autogenerate a value in the form.
  • For integer : Incremental, random
  • For string : Random, from user data, from Third component ...
0 pts
Stores Images / Files as binary into BLOB Type
0 pts
Icon for Mime-type
Ability to show a file icon as display for representing the mime-type (based from file extension)
0 pts
Translatable date format
Avoiding the given date format and use the date time formats from the language files.


40 pts
Global contexts between layouts
The values states of the filters are stored separately based on the context of the page. That way the filters do not apply for others calls (internal, ajax, combos). But those contexts are actually based on the layout name. Different layout, different filters states.
This feature request is the ability to share the same filters states between layouts of the same view.
5 pts
Review the layout
Review the HTML layout for the filters.
Use or not the searchtools layouts given by Joomla ?
My opinion is 'searchtools' is very complex and difficult to custom. Some Cook filters goes beyond the simple combo (ajax, ranges, dates, multiple searches possibles ...)
Creating our own filters layout file can be an option proposed in the builder. Because the native Joomla layout can be ugly / unconsistant for the filters Cook propose.
1 pts
custom filters
Ability to create custom filters in the builder.


165 pts
Add a FK item on the fly
Ability to add an item inside a combo box list for adding a Foreign Key item directly from a child form.
This features has to be pure Ajax.

Toolbars & Tasks

115 pts
Print & Email
Ability to show the layout alone (&tmpl=component) for printing.
Ability to send the page layout through email.
46 pts
Clone item
Ability to copy an item, with the propagation of the Foreign Keys.
0 pts
Add dividers in the toolbars
0 pts
Item Copy suffix
Ability to rename the copied item with a suffix (ie : Item Copy 1)

Cook Self Service

0 pts
Alternative payement gateway
Integrate other payement gateways and methods :
  • CB card
  • Skrill
  • Bitcoin
  • Money transfert

0 pts
Reprint your bills
Ability to custom your company informations and reprint all your past bills.


33 pts
Cpanel icons custom
Ability to custom the control panel icons.
6 pts
Improve upload rename
Ability to reuse the item row informations to rename the file once uploaded.
3 pts
Thumbs : default image
Functionality to define a default image to use in a preview of a missing or empty image.
1 pts
files in the media folder
Store the files in the media folder, instead of the 'files' component's folder by default.
0 pts
Videos files
Ability to upload and manage video files. Including a video player.

Developer features

26 pts
Fork languages
Ability to fork the language files.
0 pts
Fork disable
Configuration button to disable the forks of your component for testing.
It would ignore the fork directory without needing to rename both folders.
It would ignore the templates overrides, and so on.


0 pts
Links to alternative template
ability to change the Joomla template of the destination hyperlink.
0 pts
Radio + Images
Ability to use images thumbs inside radio buttons


22 pts
Mobile sortable
Improve the ordering functionality for mobiles
0 pts
Internet Explorer console.log
Fix the problem with IE. To be confirmed.

Hi guys Before I ask for help just like to say I tried the tutorials on how to make a 2.5 component WOW.... HECTIC!! J-Cook is really amazing in its simplicity!!
Dorac (Forum)  

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