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Component Config Form
Ability to create the component configuration page, the same than for a regular view.
Ability to create a data structure for the configuration the same way than building regular table.
Images & Icons library
Builder repository for keeping your reusable and sharable images and icons.
Once achieved, you will be able to customize better your creations. Cpanel Icons, Icomoon in the pages titles, ...
Improve the layouts UI
Organize better the bricks and custom the positions.
Ability to clone a layout Ability to instance faster the fields with one click.
Regex manager
Ability to insert and keep you own regular expressions, and share them with the community.
Import languages strings
Ability to import the language strings from your translated component before to generate it again. Your translations will appear in the generated component and will be completed with the eventual new strings.
Import Component
Offer the ability to import a component and recreate the structure from the SQL file, the dataset, views and layouts.
JSON Field editor
Ability to create a JSON Form inside a form.
Including a JSON field inside a JSON field will let you the ability to create JSON trees of datas.
Calendar view
Ability to create views in a calendar shape. Using the date/time fields from the table.
Static Text Areas
Ability to create a "Static Content" brick in the builder and be able to edit customizable zones, whatever can be translatable texts, Joomla articles, modules position, ajax layouts from anywhere from your component. etc...
Headless Layouts
Ability to render any layout from any view, using the "layouts" and JLayout CLass.
This would give the opportunity to build dashboards or to load any data anywhere, including in AJAX mode.
PHP Comments
Ability to leave a PHP comment for every brick (in the builder)
It would write PHP comments for the developer inside every file relative of this brick. For views / XML / templates, this can be a very nice feature for searching the parts of codes for customization.
Language wizard
Multi languages contents. Adding some fields to create the versioning of items by language.
Maps & Geocoding
Wizard for implementing a Map.
List of the features :
Publish Up / Down
Simply add the wizard to guide the user to create the correct names : publish_up, publish_down
Joomla! does it alone, but this wizard could instance the required fields.
SEO metadatas
Simple wizard to implement the SEO meta tags of an item directly in the meta keywords of your page.
Shopping cart
Ability to keep items with their relations in the session. The shopping cart is NOT a complete shop, only the session stack.
Cross-Components Interractions
Ability to make multiple components working together :
Return page
A simple way to return back to the previous page, or to define the next page is to define the return parameter in the URL. It needs to be encoded 64. Lot of Joomla components works that way.
Introduce the triggers in the component, in a maximum of possible places
Ajax - Edit in Place
Improve the ajax capacities in order to edit in place and replace the modal box way. Avoiding the iframe, doing it all in the same JS document. Modal box has sometimes problems in case of file upload, rich text, and checkout task in case of 'cancel' hit.
For all those reason, this feature promise you a full JS tiny framework, or a rich framework such as
JDom less
Introduce an option to avoid JDom from your components and use the Joomla native JHtml classes.
It would reduce the capacities of your component, but the component would be standalone.
Combo ordering
Ability to choose the default ordering for a combo list.
Automatically on the 'ordering' column when the ordering wizard is used.
Menu manager
Ability to create menus and tree of menus integrated to the component. Would be usefull for the back-end.
About the front-end, the custom menu could be automatically installed in the native joomla! menu manager. (ie : such as Kunena does)
Model-less views
Ability to create views / layouts not based on datas or model. Would include toolbar and controller.
Step versions + Upgrade scripts
Ability from the builder to snapshot the database structure.
This feature would be able to detect the changes between two databases structures and automatically create the version step SQL script including : CREATE, DELETE, ALTER TABLE, RENAME ...
1:1 Extend Native tables
Ability to build tables based on third component's tables, such as #__users.
The created tables in the component would act such as table extension.
Built-in datasets
Propose some datasets ready to use.
Static text field
Ability to instance a static text in a row of a form instead of a regular control.
It would contains some explanations about the fields below. It could be placed anywhere. It could also be introduced a "separator" field following the same concept.
Accept non-root FK
In some case, if a FK refers to a table containing 1:1 link, the form would be able to show the information of any field of any extension of this table. Very often with the #__users table.
Example : One of your forms instance a Foreign Key to an account. This account link with #__users table in 1:1. Then in your form you could show the 'username' property of the users table. Only for this exception (1:1), Cook should not limit the FK combo to the first root level only.
Link composer
Improve the "link to FK" feature. (Grid and Fly)
Ability to compose an url from the database item.
Bootstrap Date/Time/Year control
Option to customize the datetime picker and use bootstrap UI component: bootstrap-datetimepicker
Improve the JS form validator
Improve the jQueryFormvalidator implementation, or change validator engine.
Article FK + Modal Picker
Ability to link your component to a Joomla article, and to pickup the article with a modal picker in the forms.
Autogenerate field
Ability to autogenerate a value in the form.
Global contexts between layouts
The values states of the filters are stored separately based on the context of the page. That way the filters do not apply for others calls (internal, ajax, combos). But those contexts are actually based on the layout name. Different layout, different filters states.
This feature request is the ability to share the same filters states between layouts of the same view.
Review the layout
Review the HTML layout for the filters.
Use or not the searchtools layouts given by Joomla ? My opinion is 'searchtools' is very complex and difficult to custom. Some Cook filters goes beyond the simple combo (ajax, ranges, dates, multiple searches possibles ...) Creating our own filters layout file can be an option proposed in the builder. Because the native Joomla layout can be ugly / unconsistant for the filters Cook propose.
Thumbs : default image
Functionality to define a default image to use in a preview of a missing or empty image.
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Hi guys Before I ask for help just like to say I tried the tutorials on how to make a 2.5 component WOW.... HECTIC!! J-Cook is really amazing in its simplicity!!