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Let's friendly discuss about the service or about other products.
Post your reviews, comments or usefull informations about Joomla.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
190 Topics 643 Replies Nicolas's Avatar
Re: The party isn't over
by Nicolas
04 Aug 2024 23:37
Share you experience and your components if you want.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
28 Topics 99 Replies liubov's Avatar

Support forum

You might be here because you face a problem or a bug. Please post in an appropriate category, and be as precise as possible.
Your contribution is infinitly helpful for us and also for this new growing community.
Frequent Asked Questions

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
121 Topics 432 Replies admin's Avatar
Find here all solved issues.
If a known bug is still not fixed, you can find here the way to deal with it.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
220 Topics 803 Replies Romkabouter's Avatar
Re: Integer Validation
by Romkabouter
11 Nov 2021 14:09
Report here interface bugs or software utilisation problems.
If you suspect problem with the demo website, or warning errors, please post here.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
69 Topics 191 Replies organicwebs's Avatar
You don't understand how Cook is dealing with Joomla standard MCV ?
You have difficulties to design your Database model ?
The documentation is not clear enought ? You are lost ?
No panic, ask here.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
226 Topics 705 Replies Romkabouter's Avatar
Your component is not working on your install of Joomla ?
Some layouts, pages, menus, tasks are not working ?
Humm... post here.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
32 Topics 85 Replies admin's Avatar
You have difficulties understanding the generated code ?
You are lost in the source code ? Please see official joomla documentation before to post here. If you really don't understand something, we'll try to help you.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
468 Topics 1904 Replies organicwebs's Avatar
Forking JDOM
by organicwebs
09 Aug 2021 04:27
Here your questions about templating difficulties.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
27 Topics 85 Replies Nicolas's Avatar
Re: Styling the toolbar?
by Nicolas
08 Nov 2021 08:53


Post here if you suspect a source code bug.
Post here your bug repport.
All issues present here are not identified yet. Once the problem is well defined and found, the ticket goes for the 'Opened' status.
If your topic remain here, please help us to understand your bug.
Maybe it is not relevant to Cook Self Service.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
44 Topics 106 Replies gremonasplet's Avatar
by gremonasplet
13 Apr 2023 11:44
All opened issues, clearly identified and not solved yet.
These posts are our priority and we are working on. We don't forget you.
Our objective is to keep this section empty, so you don't need to up your topic when you are present here.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
7 Topics 22 Replies organicwebs's Avatar
Find here all debug history.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
825 Topics 3893 Replies admin's Avatar

Developper center

Exchange experiences and services with others developpers.
Post here if you are searching for some help to fill your Cook project with some special functionalities. Make your announce and find a developper to help you.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
21 Topics 53 Replies bertoruiz's Avatar
You are a web agency, a developper or a freelance. Post your announce here and receive jobs from Cook users to develop or finish their projects.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
5 Topics 22 Replies MarioEMbok's Avatar
Hi All!
by MarioEMbok
16 Mar 2018 05:02
Discuss and Find here the most usefull developper tools.
Open Source is prefered, when possible

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
7 Topics 45 Replies Dobinsons's Avatar
Share your experiences with regular expressions.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
14 Topics 90 Replies g1smd's Avatar
You can find or post here all topics speaking about jQuery. Plugins, customizations, workaround, compatibilities between frameworks, and all is about... jQuery

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
6 Topics 97 Replies albert's Avatar
on change on date picker
by albert
29 May 2014 10:37

Ideas & Suggestions

This online software is in permanent evolution.
In this section, you can help developements with your ideas or suggestions.
Maybe you need fonctionalities that Cook is not able yet. Please ask here for your personal request. We are definitly convinced that you have brilliants ideas that the entire community is waiting for.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
165 Topics 314 Replies jonathanbell's Avatar
Through the versions, posts that reffers to a functionality that have been realisated are placed here.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
117 Topics 586 Replies Romkabouter's Avatar
If you founded source code not clean or not respecting Joomla standard, please quote it and post here !

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
12 Topics 13 Replies admin's Avatar
Re: w3c Problem
by admin
21 Nov 2014 21:44
Here are moved all the suggestions that will not be developped yet, or that not retain our attention for the moment. It is the place where you'll find the limits of Cook Self Service.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
8 Topics 16 Replies vlemos's Avatar

French forum - Less priority

A l'occasion du prochain Joomla day français, vous êtes nombreux à demander l'ouverture de cette section.
Sachez qu'il n'est pas aisé de maintenir un support en plusieures langues. Français anglophones, utilisez la partie anglaise si vous le pouvez. Cette section du forum est moins prioritaire. Si vous souhaitez une réponse rapide, postez en anglais. Merci de votre compréhension.
Hop, un petit salon de thé.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
12 Topics 26 Replies Sebiiiii's Avatar
Tout ce qui concerne l'utilisation de l'interface. La composition de votre projet, les bac à sables, le téléchargement, la compatibilité avec votre site internet local ou en production...

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
5 Topics 9 Replies admin's Avatar
Un espace pour discuter des bonnes pratiques et méthodes pour personaliser votre composant. Le support a ses limites car nous ne pouvons pas faire tout le travail pour vous, mais n'hésitez pas à soumettre vos problématiques, cela peut être très utile pour toute la communauté.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
13 Topics 35 Replies Gilles57's Avatar
Re: Champs calculés
by Gilles57
28 Jan 2014 14:51
Un bug ? Une erreur fatale ? Un warning ? Votre composant ne fonctionne pas ? Vous n'arrivez pas à joindre le service ? Dites-nous tout ce qui ne va pas.

Moderators: BTB300, JoomGuy
5 Topics 37 Replies thierry's Avatar
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I've evaluated lots of other Joomla Component Dev tools such as Shell Manager (J)enesis Danny's Joomla! 1.5 MVC Component Code Generator Marco's Component Maker and I must admit that I love what I see on your site! Lots of potential... Otherwise Great Job and keep up the good work!!!
Clifton (forum)

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