admin wrote: Recent announcement about the end of service is no longer relevant.
As you can see, April ended and the server is still going on... We are now working together to bring you a better service... The service will embrace a transformation for the best of us all... Stay in touch with us, the music has stopped for a while, but the party isn’t over
Chef, I could not have said it better myself !!!
Over the past few weeks as we have started to reach this thrilling public announcement stage I was thinking about what we could say and as always Chef has come up with the perfect words.
While there is not a lot to say at the moment about the evolution of Cook for the end user services as there is a lot of background work to be done before we reach that stage. However, There is a much needed words of thanks to Chef for all of his hard work over years.
When I reached out about the closure of the service I discovered that Chef installed this user forum some 14 years ago and since then has been the sole developer doing everything himself! Chef has brought us new features, maintained the code, maintained the server, provided troubleshooting and tech support, documentation the whole lot! Even continuing the service for the past two years for those of us that could still utilise Joomla 3.x builds for free!!!
Thanks Chef - Your dedication to Cook Self Service is amazing!!!
I am proud to be part of the new team to bring about the transformation of Cook Self Service
Dwayne (BTB300)