Terms of service

1. Access

1.1. Documentation and Support

The access to the documentations and to the support forum is public.

1.2. Builder

Access to the builder application is limited to the members who have completed a profile account on Cook Self Service.

1.3. Sandboxes

Access to the sandboxes is limited to the members.

1.4. Download

Cook Self Service is an online service, not downloadable.

1.5. Productions download

Only paid subscribers can access to the download section of their projects.

1.6. Life access

A life access provides an unlimited access to the builder and to the download section of your projects for life.

1.7. Hosting expiration

Cook Self Service is going to delete all projects from accounts that not have been renewed during a period of 300 days after expiration. Several email notifications will be sent to the client user before the definitive deletion of projects.

This hosting expiration does not apply to a life account.

2. Licenses

The final license of your creations must comply with the included third part licenses (Bootstrap, jQuery, IcoMoon, Chosen, jQueryFormvalidator, ...). This is an non exhaustive list, others licenses can be added in future.

2.1 Distribution

Active subsciption is not required for using or distributing your creations.

2.1.1. Permission is granted to :

  1. change the license of your final project.
  2. resell and distribute.

2.1.2 The generated projects are free to use for any purpose respecting the following conditions:

  1. you may not remove the author name from the file headers.


3.1. Moderation

The messages published by users only express their personal opinions. Cook Self Service does not approve or disapprove these comments and cannot be held responsible for the content of messages of which it is not the author.

Cook Self Service tries to remove all reprehensible messages, or those that do not comply with the basic rules of an open and constructive debate and the charter of our forums, although it is impossible to review every message.

When writing a comment or a message on our discussion forums, you agree not to submit content that is potentially illegal, defamatory, abusive, obscene, discriminatory, threatening or contrary to the spirit of the site or the charter of our forums.

You authorize Cook Self Service to moderate, edit, move or delete your message, whatever the reason and manner.

Cook Self Service also reserves the right to exclude any member not complying with the charter regarding the use of our forums.

3.2. Participation

In each forum, you are invited to create a new topic of discussion relating to the theme and respond to the published contributions.

After entering your username and password, the forum is open to you. Each forum addresses a specific theme. Please follow these themes.

You can also respond to certain articles published on the website. This approach requires no prior registration on your part.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1. Contents

The contents of the site Cook Self Service are subject to the legislation on copyright and are the exclusive property of the site Cook Self Service. Any reproduction and redistribution of all or part of its content is subject to prior written authorisation.

Should the material be available on the internet, please inform us of its web address. 

Reproductions for commercial or advertising purposes shall not be allowed, unless an exception is made.

4.2. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinking towards the website’s pages

All links to the home page or to one of the internet pages of the www.j-cook.pro site may be freely established as long as they are not used for commercial or advertising purposes, provided that the words "from the Cook Self Service site”, or any other equivalent or more accurate quoting is clearly indicated on the link or beside it, and that the authors of the link have previously informed Cook Self Service.

This permission does not apply to websites containing information that is illegal, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or that may affect the sensitivity of many.

Hyperlinking to documents published on the website

All direct or deep links to a document other than a web page, regardless of their form or content, are forbidden unless there exists express permission from the site portal’s editors.

This includes, but is not exclusive to, any graphic type of document (such as .jpeg, .gif, .png), any multimedia or animated document (such as .avi, .mov, .wmv, .flv, .swf, .ppt, .pps), any editing or text document (such as .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .xls, .pdf), and any other document which is not directly readable from a standard web browser. 

We encourage you to create a link that goes to the web pages that reference the documents, rather than directly to the downloadable documents themselves. 

Inclusions and use of frames

Any use or reproduction, even partial, of elements of the site Cook Self Service inside a third-party site through processes known as inclusion of frames, inlining or any other method of similar nature are strictly forbidden. 

4.3. Authorisation requests

Permission to establish links directed towards this section shall be requested via the contact form (link). The application must indicate the address of the third party webpage where the link will appear.

Reproductions for commercial or advertising purposes shall not be allowed, unless an exception is made. 

4.4. Content syndication

Cook Self Service provides multiple data streams (RSS) that allow the dissemination and publication of automated information from websites (like blogs) (Really Simple Syndication) in the XML (Extended Markup Language) format, allowing you to automatically display on your site the latest news headlines or information published on the Cook Self Service website.

The complete list of streams available on the site portal of the Internet Rights Forum is available through the "Syndication" link at the bottom of each page of the site. 

The use of these flows by third parties is free as long as they are not used for commercial or advertising purposes.

4.5. Accessibility

A special effort has been focused on the site portal’s accessibility for people with disabilities.

The portal’s site pages have been developed in compliance with the standards in use on the internet and are compliant with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional norm established by the W3C.

4.6. Illegal Data

According to the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004, the website Cook Self Service allows any individual or visitor to report any content that may be of the character of the offenses referred to in the fifth and eighth paragraphs of Article 24 of the law of 29 July 1881 on press freedom and articles 227-23 and 227-24 of the Penal Code.

To report any such content, please contact us via the contact form specifying the link to the content which you feel may be illegal.

4.7. Responsability

The editors and authors of the site Cook Self Service will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information presented or technical problems on the site and on all other sites towards which we provide links, or of any interpretation of the information published on these sites, as well as the consequences of their use.

I must say that I'm leaps and bounds ahead of where I would have other been with J2.5 with full thanks to the folks on this forum and specifically to Cook so you'll never hear me complaining.
gdpodesta (Forum)  

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