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Need help calling JDOM in Module 07 Jul 2021 14:25 #15847

I'm creating a module for my component and thought I would use the JDom to call up an image.

I'm using this as document page as a guide... www.j-cook.pro/index.php/m/module

My component is called com_organicshop. My image field is "main_image".

In my module default.php I have...
// Set up the component for JDom
	$dom = JDom::getInstance();
	$dom->set('extension', 'com_organicshop');
Is the "extension" bitcorrect?

<?php // Item Image
	echo JDom::_('html.fly.file', array(
	   // Furnish the image relative path
	  'dataValue' => $item->main_image,				 
          // Define as indirect, with the root directory alias
	  'root' => '[DIR_FILES_MAIN_IMAGE]',
	  'indirect' => true,
          // Some options for Thumb creation
	  'height' => 50,
	  'width' => 50,
	  'attrs' => array('center','crop','fit'),								

But the JDom isn't showing the image - it is not rendering. Instead I'm getting this output...
<img src="/index.php?option=com_organicshop&amp;task=file&amp;size=50x50&amp;attrs=center:1,crop:1,fit:1&amp;path=[DIR_FILES_MAIN_IMAGE]/shoelaces.jpg">
Any ideas?
Just call me Chris :)

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Last edit: by organicwebs.

Need help calling JDOM in Module 07 Jul 2021 14:52 #15848

I worked it out...

'indirect' needed to be "false"... and 'root' needed to be "DIR_TABLE_FIELD"
<?php // Item Image
	echo JDom::_('html.fly.file', array(
	   // Furnish the image relative path
	  'dataValue' => $item->main_image,				 
	  // Define as indirect, with the root directory alias
	  'root' => '[DIR_ITEMS_MAIN_IMAGE]',
	  'indirect' => false,
	  // Some options for Thumb creation
	  'height' => 50,
	  'width' => 50,
	  'attrs' => array('center','crop','fit'),								

Pretty nifty. B)

I'm still discovering these little gems in JCook!
Just call me Chris :)

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Need help calling JDOM in Module 21 Jul 2021 20:59 #15849

good work :)

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  I still don't believe he can really be human to do all this ! From all of the forums that I've ever participated in this is certainly the one that most encapsulates the feeling of being truly open source where everyone's opinions and contributions can and will shape the development of the service! It's truly awesome! Hope you enjoy cooking and look forward to reading and contributing to any of the editorial work that you proposed too!! Thanks
Gez (audibleid - JED)

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