V2.5 - What is new ?

Fork engine

You are now able the reinstall and keep your changes if you follow a good coding practice.


Include easily your component from a third-part script. The classes are only registered and not loaded in memory until used.

Cross compatibility layer

Write your code in the latest Joomla standards, your component does the rest to be able to run on all alive Joomla!TM versions.

Responsive (mobile phones and tablets)

Thanks to Bootstrap, you can now arrange the layouts behaviors and decide which fields can be displayed or not, depending of the screen size.

Faster than ever

Try it and then tell us about your user experience.

Compatible with Chrome

Much faster and recommended.

Bugs reports

Admin can see your fatals in the builder and sandbox and solve them even before you need to ask for support.

Optimized performances in JDom

Important fixes to improve memory and CPU usage, both in JDom library, and in your component.

Improved quality of the code

Joomla standards, good test coverage, respect of PHP Strict standards, documentable.


A simple home page for your component.

Download your dataset

If you have constructed valuable lists in the sandbox, you can now embed them in your component.

Proper publish filter

You can now trash or archive your items.

Grid groups

You can now use any kind of datatypes in the groups.

Filter groups improved

You can now accept more datatypes such as enumerations, colors, boolean... as a group of data. Whether it is a static or an AJAX group.

Preview and edit in popup

Beautiful feature, coupled with Ajax.

Chosen for long lists

With Chosen (UI lib), you can search a value in a list.

I jumped and started to work on a demo component... but 2 days later this demo component became the real component. I just showed today the end result to my customer and he turned to me and said... "this is more than I expected"... All of this is because Cook did cut about 70% of my work and provided me more ways to improve the usability of the component. The end result was 17 tables all related between than to generate a full dashboard for the travel agents. Thanks for Cook developers for such great tool. This component would not be possible to be done at short time with all the features in it
Griiettner (Forum)  

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