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Romkabouter wrote: Can you tell me why you can not show the fullcalendar in your component? I don't really understand that part.
Is it on another website or something?
actually I have the calendar in my component.
I do not know if I did it correctly but here is my component folder.
in my site part :
I created a folder "Calendar" with all the javascript file I need for the calendar :
then I put in the CSS folder all the css of the calendar
the calendar is call via a <div id="calendar"></ div>
then there is a script of configuration for the calendar that I put directly in my view demandes.php before the calendar div like :
/** ______________________________________________
* o O | |
* ((((( o < Generated with Cook Self Service V3.1.9 |
* ( o o ) |______________________________________________|
* --------oOOO-----(_)-----OOOo---------------------------------- www.j-cook.pro --- +
* @version
* @package Litssupp
* @subpackage Demandes
* @copyright
* @author - -
* @license
* .oooO Oooo.
* ( ) ( )
* -------------\ (----) /----------------------------------------------------------- +
* \_) (_/
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//Load the formvalidator scripts requirements.
// Render the page title
echo JLayoutHelper::render('title', array(
'params' => $this->params,
'title' => null,
'browserTitle' => null
)); ?>
$(function() { // document ready
eventRender: function(event, element) {
title: function () {
return "<B>" + event.title + "</B>";
trigger : 'hover',
animation : 'false',
content: function () {
return "<h1> " + event.title + "</h1>"
now: '2017-09-07',
editable: true,
aspectRatio: 1.8,
scrollTime: '00:00',
header: {
left: 'today prev,next',
center: 'title',
right: 'timelineMonth,timelineYear'
defaultView: 'timelineMonth',
views: {
timelinDay: {
buttonText: ':15 slots',
slotDuration: '00:15'
timelineTenDay: {
type: 'timeline',
duration: { days: 10 }
navLinks: true,
resourceAreaWidth: '25%',
resourceLabelText: 'Rooms',
resourceColumns: [
group: true,
labelText: 'Type de Lit',
field: 'building'
labelText: 'Lit',
field: 'title'
resources: { // you can also specify a plain string like 'json/resources.json'
url: 'localhost/index.php?option=com_litsupp&view=lits'
events: { // you can also specify a plain string like 'json/events.json'
url: 'localhost/index.php?option=com_litsupp&view=demandes'
<form action="<?php echo(JRoute::_("index.php")); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div id="contents" class="span12">
<!-- BRICK : toolbar_plur -->
<?php echo $this->renderToolbar($this->items);?>
<!-- BRICK : search -->
<?php echo $this->filters['search_search']->input;?>
<!-- BRICK : display -->
<div class="pull-right">
<?php echo $this->filters['sortTable']->input;?>
<div class="pull-right">
<?php echo $this->filters['directionTable']->input;?>
<div class="pull-right">
<?php echo $this->filters['limit']->input;?>
<!-- BRICK : filters -->
<div class="pull-left">
<?php echo $this->filters['filter_start']->input;?>
<div class="pull-left">
<?php echo $this->filters['filter_end']->input;?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- BRICK : grid -->
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('grid'); ?>
<!-- CLENDAR -->
<div id='calendar'></div>
<!-- BRICK : pagination -->
<?php echo $this->pagination->getListFooter(); ?>
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
echo JDom::_('html.form.footer', array(
'values' => array(
'view' => $jinput->get('view', 'demandes'),
'layout' => $jinput->get('layout', 'demandes'),
'boxchecked' => '0',
'filter_order' => $this->escape($this->state->get('list.ordering')),
'filter_order_Dir' => $this->escape($this->state->get('list.direction'))
in the default layout 'lits" and "demandes" there are my json outputs for "ressources" and "event" call
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Allright, looks ok but you do not need the url
First, do (can be just below JDom::_('html.toolbar'); or so) //build json for demandes
$json_demandes = array();
$demandes = LitsuppHelper::getData('demandes',array(
for ($i=0; $i < count( $demandes ); $i++):
$row = $demandes[$i];
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->id = $row->id;
$obj->Chambre = $row->Chambre;
$obj->_Chambre_numero = $row->_Chambre_numero;
$obj->start = $row->start;
$obj->end = $row->end;
$obj->events = $row->events;
$obj->nom_client = $row->nom_client;
$obj->resourceId = $row->resourceId;
$obj->title = $row->title;
//assign to the json_demandes array
$json_demandes[] = $obj;
//build json for lits
$json_lits = array();
$lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
for ($i=0; $i < count( $lits ); $i++):
$row = $lits[$i];
$obj = new stdClass;
//See demandes, for every needed field to this
$obj->id = $row->id;
//....more field....
//assign to the json_lits array
$json_lits[] = $obj;
Then you have two json variables, check what is returned in the data in $demandes en $lits.
If you want to know more about orm, check this page: www.j-cook.pro/index.php/o/orm-system
Then, instead of resources: { // you can also specify a plain string like 'json/resources.json'
url: 'localhost/index.php?option=com_litsupp&view=lits'
events: { // you can also specify a plain string like 'json/events.json'
url: 'localhost/index.php?option=com_litsupp&view=demandes'
} do <?php
echo "resources: ".json_encode($json_lits ) . "," . "events: "" . json_encode($json_demandes);
I might have made some typos, but you get the general idea
The whole for loop stuff might even not be needed, but let's not go that way (yet )
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oh wow thank you.
ORM system is all what i need.
Thank you so much for your help.
I have never been as jumped on joomla since I registered on jcook.
again thank you for everything to you two friends.
you can close the topic
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Romkabouter wrote: Here is a little topic I wrote how to maintain your forked code:
Excelent Topic. i will don't forget
just one last question on the foreign entries.
You call the room number like : $obj->chambre = $row->_Chambre_numero;
but it return "null".
can you explain me how can i search my room number to add it in my Json output ?
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Try debugging the properties with var_dump($row); somewhere in the for-loop.
In ORM, the default naming convention for a foreign key = _<foreignmodel>_<field>. So in your case that should be _chambre_numero.
Maybe the context is not as expected, you can have more control over what the getData function returns when you use "context" => "layout.whatever"
The context is state bound, so the model can hold a different layout then what you need. A layout is a set of fields, typically the same as the views you have created in the builder.
Read all about it here: www.j-cook.pro/index.php/o/orm-system
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I just tried and I get object(stdClass)[431]
public 'id' => string '1' (length=1)
public 'title' => string '123456' (length=6)
public 'nom_client' => string 'Master' (length=6)
public 'start' => string '2017-09-01' (length=10)
public 'end' => string '2017-09-04' (length=10)
public 'resourceId' => string '1' (length=1)
public 'Chambre' => string '1' (length=1)
public 'remarques' => null
public 'params' =>
protected '_errors' =>
array (size=0)
public 'access-view' => boolean true I do not have my variable for the Room number << Chambre_numero>> :
$json_demandes = array();
$demandes = LitsuppHelper::getData('demandes',array(
for ($i=0; $i < count( $demandes ); $i++):
$row = $demandes[$i];
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->id = $row->id;
$obj->Chambre = $row->Chambre;
$obj->_Chambre_numero = $row->_Chambre_numero;
$obj->start = $row->start;
$obj->end = $row->end;
$obj->nom_client = $row->nom_client;
$obj->resourceId = $row->resourceId;
$obj->title = $row->title;
//assign to the json_demandes array
$json_demandes[] = $obj;
Where can i find any tutorial on default naming convention
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In your first post you had _Chambre_numero, did you change a layout in the builder? (Removed the field numero?)
Nicolas wrote: HI everyone !
I have done what you have proposed.
So I added the request file to the fork folder and made the call like this <?php
for ($i=0, $n=count( $this->items ); $i < $n; $i++):
$row = $this->items[$i];
echo json_encode($row);
it gives me this result
{"id":"1","Chambre":"1","_Chambre_numero":"135","end":"2017-09-05","events":null,"nom_client":"Master","resourceId":"1","_resourceId_title":"Lit parapluie 1","start":"2017-09-02","title":"123456","params":{"access-view":true,"access-edit":true,"access-delete":true}}
can you explain to me how to remove everything that is in red please?
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It works when I write //build json for demandes
$json_demandes = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count( $this->items ); $i++):
$row = $this->items[$i];
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->id = $row->id;
$obj->Chambre = $row->Chambre;
$obj->Chambre_numero = $row->_Chambre_numero;
$obj->start = $row->start;
$obj->end = $row->end;
$obj->nom_client = $row->nom_client;
$obj->resourceId = $row->resourceId;
$obj->title = $row->title;
//assign to the json_demandes array
$json_demandes[] = $obj;
By cons when I need on the same page to have sort of bed with this //build json for lits
$json_lits = array();
$lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
for ($i=0; $i < count( $lits ); $i++):
$row = $lits[$i];
$obj = new stdClass;
//See demandes, for every needed field to this
$obj->id = $row->id;
$obj->building = $row->_building_nom;
$obj->title = $row->title;
$obj->eventColor = $row->eventColor;
//assign to the json_lits array
$json_lits[] = $obj;
endfor; I still have the foreign key problem on _building_nom
but I can no longer use <this->items> that returns me the <demandes table>
Unfortunately I need both so I do not know how to call the table <lits> with the foreign key _building_name
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With ORM, you namespace the fields for creating relations
'select' => 'Chambre.numero'
And then the values are stored in a simple list (not a tree), so as said Romkabouter you use '_' respecting the convention : _[fk_field]_[field]
echo $row->_Chambre_numero;
Coding is now a piece of cake
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And for N:m, you call it with 'relation'
For instance when 'Chambre' (Room) contains one or many 'Lits' (Beds), you can list all 'Lits' from 'Chambre'
'relation' => array(
'lits' => array(
'select' => array('longueur', 'largeur')
The relation (lits), must have been defined in the model constructor. (Cook does prepare all relations)
The result will give you a list of items inside the 'lits' field. foreach($row->lits as $lit)
echo $lit->largeur;
echo $lit->longueur;
Coding is now a piece of cake
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Ok, maybe you should need some more help on ORM
The base call is $lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
)); But that will probably not be what you want, you can have more finegrained control of the data you want.
Use "select" to get the fields you need $lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
'select' => array(
, 'eventColor'
)); You can rename fields as well: $lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
'select' => array(
'title' => 'othername'
, 'eventColor'
So, now you want a field in a foreign key table, just add the namespace of the FK and the field:
$lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
'select' => array(
, 'eventColor'
You can also do all sorts of filters on the data, please read the orm documentation, it's quite good in this area:
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admin wrote: With ORM, you namespace the fields for creating relations
'select' => 'Chambre.numero'
)); echo $row->_Chambre_numero;
return "null"
Ok, maybe you should need some more help on ORM
Ok it's great, I'm starting to understand. I thought that with a basic call I found all with the model "lits" $lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
)); but the basic call only calls the table and not the foreign keys. I must therefore ask him to take them also with $lits = LitsuppHelper::getData('lits',array(
'select' => array(
, 'eventColor'
)); Thank you for everything. This time everything works fine.
building_nom returns well "lit parapluie"
I learn for pleasure and at the same time tries to create some tools for my work and this training me.
This site is awesome and I hope that new tutorials will come.
how did you find these tips Romkabouter ?
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Trail and error and docs
I have got some components which are heavily forked and then you come across all sorts of stuff you need.
I have spent countless hours figuring out how to achieve what I needed. Programming is my job, but in different languages.
Reverse engineering stuff to see why something does not work how I expected it to work leads to discovering features and sometimes finding defects.
I am thinking about creating a topic to showcase some components by the way, just need to take some time for that
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Romkabouter wrote: Trail and error and docs
I have got some components which are heavily forked and then you come across all sorts of stuff you need.
I have spent countless hours figuring out how to achieve what I needed. Programming is my job, but in different languages.
Reverse engineering stuff to see why something does not work how I expected it to work leads to discovering features and sometimes finding defects.
I am thinking about creating a topic to showcase some components by the way, just need to take some time for that
I am like you and I like to understand how things work. That's why I started coding.
I would read your document with pleasure when you have time for it.
I think we can close the topic to avoid cluttering the forum.
Thanks again for everything !
ps : i bookmark your profil to show your future topic
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