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Still in the controller :
Try to understand how to load your datas (2-3 lines)
then send them to your PDF class.
Just curious, wich PDF class are you using ? FPDF ?
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I ask this question because I am currently searching for a better PDF class.
FPDF is good but very limited in deed.
(For example : impossible to output richtext formated or css stylized like)
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it's ok for call params of my config and data forms $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_batenergie');
$label_b = $params->get('label_b', 1);
$surface = trim ($_POST['surface']);
but how to display my file containing pdf class ?
and in my view there are data caculate not send with the methof POSt ...
thank you for your patience
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So I exceptionally give you the answer using your correct context (COPY and PASTE)
Wherever you want in your component :
To get your list : $model = JModel::getInstance('BatenergiepartModel', 'BatenergieModel');
$items = $model->getItems();
echo("<pre>"); print_r($items); echo("</pre>");
To get an item (myItemId = id of the concerned item) $model = JModel::getInstance('BatenergiepartitemModel', 'BatenergieModel');
$item = $model->getItem();
echo("<pre>"); print_r($item); echo("</pre>");
The best is to place it in your controller.
All the datas are ready for your PDF
Then, if you want some joined datas, or ordering, etc... you can use some functions on your model before the call of getItem(s) ()
$model->addJoin("LEFT JOIN #__xxx ....");
$model->addSelect("_mytable_.title AS _mytable_title");
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sorry i don't know how to call my pdf class or file ...
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To this stage, I cannot help you more.
I am working alone for Cook Self Service, and I really need to consacrate to the new coming version 2.0
I hope you will find your answer here or somewhere else, but don't worry, FPDF is really cool I know it well. The big advantage of this class is the simplicity of it, even if sometimes it lacks on functionalities.
You need to work with a graphic approch (defining x, y) for each element you have to place.
You need to redefine the color and text size (and ...) for every text to write or shape to draw, because all these informations are stored in global, so it conflicts if you don't care.
That are the main advices for FPDF.
My advice is also to create a different super class (herit FPDF) for every different PDF you have to do. Even if you only need one type of PDF.
In this super class, create all the pre-made functionalities for your document.
For example, if you want to create a title style, create a function H1($text) for instance.
This function will instanciate the font-size, the color, the position of it ...
But as you see, we are out of the box, so I can continue to help you regarding Cook.
Have fun.
I really like to play with PDF, it is fantastic even if it is low level of programing (no pre-made nice classes of plugins).
Hope it helps.
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i understand really your time
but my pdf file is good, for example on joomla1.5 this is an [img][/img] joint
i want just know how to call this file or call the fpdf class in a function for my controller
good job for the 2.0 version, your tool is very great
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this is write that i using...
function printy()
i continue my craft
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This is the fucntion using function printy()
$model = $this->getModel('batenergiepartitem');
$item = $model->getItem();
//echo("<pre>"); print_r($item); echo("</pre>");
} it display corectkly the pdf file but models data aren't displaying
perhaps the "echo print-r is good
how to do displaying models datas in /batiment.php
i have tested
without success ...
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can you dump the model ?
echo("<pre>"); print_r($model); echo("</pre>");
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the model displaying with echo but not in pdf file
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/** ______________________________________________
* o O | |
* ((((( o < Generated with Cook (100% Vitamin) |
* ( o o ) |______________________________________________|
* --------oOOO-----(_)-----OOOo---------------------------------- www.j-cook.pro --- +
* @version 1.6
* @package Batenergie
* @subpackage Batenergiepart
* @copyright Copyright 2012, All rights reserved
* @author LJ01 - http://lau.jarry.free.fr - lau.jarry@free.fr
* @license GNU/GPL
* /!\ Joomla! is free software.
* This version may have been modified pursuant to the GNU General Public License,
* and as distributed it includes or is derivative of works licensed under the
* GNU General Public License or other free or open source software licenses.
* .oooO Oooo. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
* ( ) ( )
* -------------\ (----) /----------------------------------------------------------- +
* \_) (_/
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );
require_once(JPATH_ADMIN_BATENERGIE .DS.'classes'.DS.'jmodel.item.php');
* Batenergie Component Batenergiepartitem Model
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Batenergie
class BatenergieModelBatenergiepartitem extends BatenergieModelItem
var $_name_plur = 'batenergiepart';
var $params;
* Constructor
function __construct()
$this->_modes = array_merge($this->_modes, array(''));
* Method to initialise the batenergiepartitem data
* @access private
* @return boolean True on success
function _initData()
if (empty($this->_data))
//Default values shown in the form for new item creation
$data = new stdClass();
$data->id = 0;
$data->attribs = null;
$data->author = null;
$data->name = null;
$data->adresse = null;
$data->commune = null;
$data->image = null;
$data->publish = null;
$data->date = null;
$data->equipement = JRequest::getVar('filter_equipement', $this->getState('filter.equipement'));
$data->type = null;
$data->year = null;
$data->surface = null;
$data->volume = null;
$data->puissance = null;
$data->puissancelec = null;
$data->description = null;
$data->travaux = null;
$data->fioul = null;
$data->gas = null;
$data->gasp = null;
$data->elec = null;
$data->elek = null;
$data->boisp = null;
$data->boisg = null;
$data->boisb = null;
$data->eau09 = null;
$data->eau10 = null;
$data->eau11 = null;
$data->eau12 = null;
$data->eauprix09 = null;
$data->eauprix10 = null;
$data->eauprix11 = null;
$data->eauprix12 = null;
$data->dpe09_fioul = null;
$data->dpe10_fioul = null;
$data->dpe11_fioul = null;
$data->dpe12_fioul = null;
$data->prix09_fioul = null;
$data->prix10_fioul = null;
$data->prix11_fioul = null;
$data->prix12_fioul = null;
$data->dpe09_gas = null;
$data->dpe10_gas = null;
$data->dpe11_gas = null;
$data->dpe12_gas = null;
$data->prix09_gas = null;
$data->prix10_gas = null;
$data->prix11_gas = null;
$data->prix12_gas = null;
$data->dpe09_gasp = null;
$data->dpe10_gasp = null;
$data->dpe11_gasp = null;
$data->dpe12_gasp = null;
$data->prix09_gasp = null;
$data->prix10_gasp = null;
$data->prix11_gasp = null;
$data->prix12_gasp = null;
$data->dpe09_elec = null;
$data->dpe10_elec = null;
$data->dpe11_elec = null;
$data->dpe12_elec = null;
$data->prix09_elec = null;
$data->prix10_elec = null;
$data->prix11_elec = null;
$data->prix12_elec = null;
$data->dpe09_elek = null;
$data->dpe10_elek = null;
$data->dpe11_elek = null;
$data->dpe12_elek = null;
$data->prix09_elek = null;
$data->prix10_elek = null;
$data->prix11_elek = null;
$data->prix12_elek = null;
$data->dpe09_boisp = null;
$data->dpe10_boisp = null;
$data->dpe11_boisp = null;
$data->dpe12_boisp = null;
$data->prix09_boisp = null;
$data->prix10_boisp = null;
$data->prix11_boisp = null;
$data->prix12_boisp = null;
$data->dpe09_boisg = null;
$data->dpe10_boisg = null;
$data->dpe11_boisg = null;
$data->dpe12_boisg = null;
$data->prix09_boisg = null;
$data->prix10_boisg = null;
$data->prix11_boisg = null;
$data->prix12_boisg = null;
$data->dpe09_boisb = null;
$data->dpe10_boisb = null;
$data->dpe11_boisb = null;
$data->dpe12_boisb = null;
$data->prix09_boisb = null;
$data->prix10_boisb = null;
$data->prix11_boisb = null;
$data->prix12_boisb = null;
$data->dpe13_fioul = null;
$data->dpe14_fioul = null;
$data->dpe15_fioul = null;
$data->prix13_fioul = null;
$data->prix14_fioul = null;
$data->prix15_fioul = null;
$data->dpe13_gas = null;
$data->dpe14_gas = null;
$data->dpe15_gas = null;
$data->prix13_gas = null;
$data->prix14_gas = null;
$data->prix15_gas = null;
$data->dpe13_gasp = null;
$data->dpe14_gasp = null;
$data->dpe15_gasp = null;
$data->prix13_gasp = null;
$data->prix14_gasp = null;
$data->prix15_gasp = null;
$data->dpe13_elec = null;
$data->dpe14_elec = null;
$data->dpe15_elec = null;
$data->prix13_elec = null;
$data->prix14_elec = null;
$data->prix15_elec = null;
$data->dpe13_elek = null;
$data->dpe14_elek = null;
$data->dpe15_elek = null;
$data->prix13_elek = null;
$data->prix14_elek = null;
$data->prix15_elek = null;
$data->dpe13_boisp = null;
$data->dpe14_boisp = null;
$data->dpe15_boisp = null;
$data->prix13_boisp = null;
$data->prix14_boisp = null;
$data->prix15_boisp = null;
$data->dpe13_boisg = null;
$data->dpe14_boisg = null;
$data->dpe15_boisg = null;
$data->prix13_boisg = null;
$data->prix14_boisg = null;
$data->prix15_boisg = null;
$data->dpe13_boisb = null;
$data->dpe14_boisb = null;
$data->dpe15_boisb = null;
$data->prix13_boisb = null;
$data->prix14_boisb = null;
$data->prix15_boisb = null;
$data->eau13 = null;
$data->eau14 = null;
$data->eau15 = null;
$data->eauprix13 = null;
$data->eauprix14 = null;
$data->eauprix15 = null;
$this->_data = $data;
return (boolean) $this->_data;
return true;
* Method to auto-populate the model state.
* Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
* @return void
* @since 1.6
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
// Initialise variables.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$session = JFactory::getSession();
* Method to build a the query string for the Batenergiepartitem
* @access public
* @return integer
function _buildQuery()
if (isset($this->_active['predefined']))
case 'batenergiepartitem': return $this->_buildQuery_batenergiepartitem(); break;
$query = 'SELECT a.*'
. $this->_buildQuerySelect()
. ' FROM `vs4go_batenergie_batenergiepart` AS a'
. $this->_buildQueryJoin()
. $this->_buildQueryWhere()
. '';
return $query;
function _buildQuery_batenergiepartitem()
$query = 'SELECT a.*'
. ' , _author_.name AS `_author_name`'
. ' , _author_.username AS `_author_username`'
. ' , _author_.email AS `_author_email`'
. ' , _author_.usertype AS `_author_usertype`'
. $this->_buildQuerySelect()
. ' FROM `vs4go_batenergie_batenergiepart` AS a'
. ' LEFT JOIN `vs4go_users` AS _author_ ON _author_.id = a.author'
. $this->_buildQueryJoin()
. $this->_buildQueryWhere()
. '';
return $query;
function _buildQueryWhere($where = array())
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$acl = BatenergieHelper::getAcl();
$where[] = 'a.id = '.(int) $this->_id;
return parent::_buildQueryWhere($where);
* Method to update batenergiepartitem in mass
* @access public
* @return boolean True on success
function update($cids, $data)
foreach($cids as $cid)
if ($cid == 0)
$data['id'] = $cid;
if (!$this->save($data))
return false;
return true;
* Method to save the batenergiepartitem
* @access public
* @return boolean True on success
function save($data)
$row = $this->getTable();
//Convert data from a stdClass
if (get_class($data) == 'stdClass')
$data = JArrayHelper::fromObject($data);
//Current id if unspecified
if ($data['id'] != null)
$id = $data['id'];
else if (($this->_id != null) && ($this->_id > 0))
$id = $this->_id;
//Load the current object, in order to process an update
if (isset($id))
//Some security checks
$acl = BatenergieHelper::getAcl();
//Secure the published tag if not allowed to change
if (isset($data['publish']) && !$acl->get('core.edit.state'))
//Secure the author key if not allowed to change
if (isset($data['author']) && !$acl->get('core.edit'))
// Bind the form fields to the batenergie table
$ignore = array();
if (!$row->bind($data, $ignore)) {
JError::raiseWarning(1000, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
return false;
// Make sure the batenergie table is valid
if (!$row->check()) {
JError::raiseWarning(1000, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
return false;
// Store the batenergie table to the database
if (!$row->store())
JError::raiseWarning(1000, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
return false;
$this->_id = $row->id;
$this->_data = $row;
return true;
* Method to delete a batenergiepartitem
* @access public
* @return boolean True on success
function delete($cid = array())
$result = false;
if (count( $cid ))
$cids = implode( ',', $cid );
$query = 'DELETE FROM `vs4go_batenergie_batenergiepart`'
. ' WHERE id IN ( '.$cids.' )';
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if(!$this->_db->query()) {
JError::raiseWarning(1000, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
return false;
return true;
* Method to (un)publish a batenergiepartitem
* @access public
* @return boolean True on success
function publish($cid = array(), $publish = 1)
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (count( $cid ))
$cids = implode( ',', $cid );
$query = 'UPDATE #__batenergie_batenergiepart'
. ' SET `publish` = '.(int) $publish
. ' WHERE id IN ( '.$cids.' )'
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if (!$this->_db->query()) {
JError::raiseWarning(1000, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
return false;
return true;
* Method to Convert the parameter fields into objects.
* @access public
* @return void
protected function populateParams()
if (!isset($this->_data))
$item = $this->_data;
$acl = BatenergieHelper::getAcl();
$isAuthor = ($item->author == JFactory::getUser()->id);
if ($acl->get('core.edit.state')
|| (bool)$item->publish
|| ($acl->get('core.view.own') && $isAuthor))
$item->params->set('access-view', true);
if ($acl->get('core.edit')
|| ($acl->get('core.edit.own') && $isAuthor))
$item->params->set('access-edit', true);
if ($acl->get('core.delete')
|| ($acl->get('core.delete.own') && $isAuthor))
$item->params->set('access-delete', true);
function nbrbatiment()
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$userid = $user->id;
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$database->setQuery( "SELECT profile_value
FROM #__user_profiles
WHERE user_id='$userid'
AND profile_key='profile.address1'" );
if (!$database->query()) {
echo $database->stderr();
return false;
return $result = $database->loadResult();
function imageprofile()
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$userid = $user->id;
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$database->setQuery( "SELECT profile_value
FROM #__user_profiles
WHERE user_id='$userid'
AND profile_key='profilepicture.file'" );
if (!$database->query()) {
echo $database->stderr();
return false;
return $result = $database->loadResult();
/*function userprofile()
{ $user = JFactory::getUser();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
'SELECT profile_key, profile_value FROM #__user_profiles' .
' WHERE user_id = '.(int) $user." AND profile_key LIKE 'profile.address1'" .
' ORDER BY ordering'
$userprofile = $db->loadRowList();
//$db->setQuery( $query );
//$userprofile = $db->loadResult();
return $userprofile;
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Are you using a predefined query ?
Try this in your view BEFORE the getItem();
$model->active('predefined', 'batenergiepartitem');
If your datas are accessible, it is a problem how you treat them.
I cannot help you more.
Is somebody want to help here ?
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actually never treatments
it's data of my database from model
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