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Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 16 Aug 2013 22:17 #10798

  • VeCrea
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Bootstrap being included in Joomla, I think this toolbar.css could be removed and the toolbar button should be styled with bootstrap classes. Bootstrap 3 even allows to use other icons than those of Glyphicons. What do you think of this ? It sure would be easier for templating and integrating the component in an existing site.

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Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 16 Aug 2013 23:34 #10799

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my proposition :

in dom/html/link/button/toolbar.php, the parseVars($vars) function is modified like this :
	protected function parseVars($vars)
		$alignStyle = null;
			case 'left':
			case 'right':
				$alignStyle = "float: " . $this->align . ";";

			case 'center':
				$alignStyle = "display: inline-block;";

		switch ($this->name){
		case 'save' : 
                     $gliph = "<i class='icon-ok'></i>"; 
                     $btn_type="btn btn-success";
		case 'save-new' : 
                     $gliph = "<i class='icon-plus'></i>";
                      $btn_type="btn btn-success";
		case 'cancel' : 
                     $gliph = "<i class='icon-remove'></i>";
                      $btn_type="btn btn-danger";
		return parent::parseVars(array_merge(array(
			'LI_STYLE' 		=> "list-style:none; " . $alignStyle,
			'LI_ID' 		=> 'toolbar-' . $this->task,
			'BUTTON_STYLE' 	=> 'cursor:pointer',
			'COMMAND' 		=> ($this->link_js?htmlspecialchars($this->link_js):""),
			'ICON_CLASS' 	=>  $gliph,
			'BTN_TYPE'		=> $btn_type,
			'TEXT' 			=> $this->JText($this->text),
			'CLASS'		=> $this->buildDomClass(),
		), $vars));
the 'ICON_CLASS' is modified and now takes the value of the new $glyph var under jsCommand();
the 'BTN_TYPE' is added to add a class to the button that corresponds to bootstrap classes

More cases are to be set in the switch

Then in in dom/html/link/button/toolbar/standard.php, the build() function is modified like this :
	function build()

		$html =		'<li class="<%BTN_TYPE%>" id="<%LI_ID%>" onclick="<%COMMAND%>"></i>'
				.	$gliph.LN
				.	'<%ICON_CLASS%> <%TEXT%>'.LN
				.	'</li>' .LN;
		return $html;

Those were my 2 cents of the day

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Last edit: by VeCrea.

Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 17 Aug 2013 14:08 #10801

I totally agree. I just did that last week on a project.


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Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 18 Aug 2013 13:37 #10804

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It was transmission of thoughs because this week I was particulary bored of the Cook (front) toolbar.
It is not ugly so we can keep it for legacy (those who like and uses it), but I will integrate this new toolbar soon.
I do not like the colors you propose so let's see.. (maybe grey and green for the add button, same as Joomla back-end)

Toolbars in Joomla are not handled very nice. I do not like the way we are not able to add custom parameters for the tasks.
For instance, the color of the button cannot be prepared in the view file. This is stupid coding.

Joomla is not perfect, but I cannot critisize too much because not participant of the core for the moment. Anyways, a huge thank you to the core community.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 18 Aug 2013 18:05 #10805

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I do not propose any colors : those are the colors of bootstrap, but the beauty of it is everyone can choose its color in the css.

The idea beyond all this is i find myself editing many files to get what i want, and there are far to many css files, and this one was really not usefull

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Bootstrap Toolbar.css in dom/assets/toolbar/css/ 18 Aug 2013 18:30 #10806

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Now if you want to use the previous version of toolbar, you need to set it in JDom, or to send aditional parameters:
<?php echo JDom::_('html.toolbar', array(
	"bar" => JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'),
	'align' => 'center',

//To use legacy toolbar
	'ui' => null,

//To join the buttons together (bootstrap only)
	'domClass' => 'btn-group',

// To display ONLY icons
	'display' => 'icon'

Coding is now a piece of cake

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  I found "cook" two days ago. Played around with it for a day and then within a day got rid of two legacy applications in IBM Lotus Domino Notes and replaced them with "cook". It was really easy. A piece of cake. Actually it was even easier than cooking. Cooking involves more work than developing with "cook". What can I say about "cook"? Great application great price for what it delivers great forum with a lot of information and fast responses active and friendly community fast forward moving development cycle So what should I say "Monsieur Le Cook"? Keep the good work going it will lead to success. Having become a paying member in the words of Edith Piaf may I say ..... non rien de rien ... je ne regrette rien. Vive La France.

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