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Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:09 #6410

Hi Guys,

I've developed a small component, it works just fine in the sandbox, but when i download and install it over my website it doesn't open in the backend, the following message apears:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/storage/4/0c/a8/website/public_html/grama/administrator/components/com_produtos/dom/dom.php on line 1080

I'm using Joomla 2.5.8.

Any idea of what might be going on??

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:19 #6411

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Have you checked here for missing braces etc:

Denardi wrote: /home/storage/4/0c/a8/website/public_html/grama/administrator/components/com_produtos/dom/dom.php on line 1080


The issue must be there ;)

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:38 #6413

Thanks audibleid,

The problem is that the file is quite long (1080 lines) and has a lot of brackets so i couldn't find out which one is missing. Since i haven't included any line on my own it might be a system issue or some mistake i've made on the download configuration.
The tricky part is that the componet works fine on the sandbox. :(

Anyone knows what the "dom.php" file does? The problem might be on that part of my cook...

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Last edit: by Denardi. Reason: Adding information.

Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:42 #6414

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Sure, it may have corrupted on output from the builder maybe

What is on the line before? Could you paste line 1070 - 1090 so I can see what's going on?

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:44 #6415

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btw dom.php is the base JDom class (cook's HTML abstract 'engine').
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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:47 #6416


Thats the last function, from line 1040 to line 1077, the last three lines are empty:
function access($aclAccess = null)
		if (!$aclAccess)
			$aclAccess = $this->getOption('aclAccess');

		if (!$aclAccess)
			return true;

		if (!is_array($aclAccess))
			$aclAccess = array($aclAccess);

		$aclAsset = $this->getOption('aclAsset');
		if (!$aclAsset)
			$aclAsset = $this->getExtension();

		$user 	= JFactory::getUser();

		$authorize = false;
		foreach($aclAccess as $acl)
			if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '<'))
				$auth = $user->authorize($aclAsset, $acl);
				$auth = $user->authorise($acl, $aclAsset);

			if ($auth)
				$authorize = true;


		return $authorize;

Thanks!!! :)

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:53 #6417

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To clarify, which is 1070?
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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 20:56 #6418

It's an empty space...
line1069 $authorize = true;
line1071		}

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 21:05 #6419

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Sorry, I meant 1079.... Typo!!
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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 11 Jan 2013 21:12 #6420

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It's the blank line after the closing brace right ? The very last one I mean?

If so, try just deleting the white space so that last brace is on the last line...

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 12 Jan 2013 10:57 #6424

It didn't work, i deleted all the white spaces in the end of the file, but the error just "moved" to the last line (now its line 1077).

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 12 Jan 2013 11:23 #6425

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OK, I'm not sure which, but some versions of php don't like not having the closing tag like:
Try adding that to the end, after your last brace.

Hope it's this... If not, can you post the entire file contents please?

Need help with your Cook/Joomla Project? . PM me to find out what I can help with. NO time wasters please!!!

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 12 Jan 2013 11:23 #6426

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Just to be clear, don't add a brace, the one in the code is the last one in your file
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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 12 Jan 2013 11:31 #6427

Still doesn't work... That's the entire file...
/**                               ______________________________________________
*                          o O   |                                              |
*                 (((((  o      <     JDom Class - Cook Self Service library    |
*                ( o o )         |______________________________________________|
* --------oOOO-----(_)-----OOOo---------------------------------- www.j-cook.pro --- +
* @version		1.0.0
* @package		Cook Self Service
* @subpackage	JDom
* @license		GNU General Public License
* @author		100% Vitamin - Jocelyn HUARD
*	-> You can reuse this framework for all purposes. Keep this signature. <-
* /!\  Joomla! is free software.
* This version may have been modified pursuant to the GNU General Public License,
* and as distributed it includes or is derivative of works licensed under the
* GNU General Public License or other free or open source software licenses.
*             .oooO  Oooo.     See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
*             (   )  (   )
* -------------\ (----) /----------------------------------------------------------- +
*               \_)  (_/

// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

@define("BR", "<br />");
@define("LN", "\n");

 * JDom Framework is an abstraction between your component and the HTML renderer (of your choice)
 * 	Rewrite inside the element classes files you want to change, or override them (see below)
 * 	Using JDom in your component, you'll be able to upgrade all your component DOM possibilities in seconds...
 *  See documentation at www.jcook.pro
 * 	You can place the files you want to override wherever you prefers see the $searches array;
 *	in the app site client	ie : components/com_mycomponent/dom/html/form/input/select.php
 * 	in the template			ie : templates/my_template/html/com_mycomponent/dom/html/form/input/select.php
 *  in the template view	ie : templates/my_template/html/com_mycomponent/my_view/dom/html/form/input/select.php
 *	and more ...
 *	The search array defines the order of priority for overriding
 *  JDom is 100% compatible for all Joomla! versions since 1.5
class JDom extends JObject
	var $path;
	var $options;
	var $app;
	var $last = false;

	 * Constuctor
	 * 	@namespace 	: requested class
	 *  @options	: Configuration
	function __construct($args)
		$this->arg('namespace'	, 0, $args);
		$this->arg('options'	, 1, $args);

		$this->app = JFactory::getApplication();

	 * Static function to render a DOM object/input
	static function _($namespace, $options = array())
		$args = func_get_args();
		$class = self::getClass($namespace, $args);

		if (!$class) return "";

		return $class->build($args);

	function getClass($namespace, $args)

		$domType = self::getName($namespace);
		$class = self::getInstance($args, $domType);

		return $class;

	function build($args)
		$class = $this->getInstance($args);

		if (!$class) return "";

		//ACL Access
		if (!$class->access())
			return "";


		$lastLevel = count(explode('.', $this->namespace)) - 1;

		$lastCall = ($class->last
		|| ($this->level == $lastLevel)
		||  (($this->level == $lastLevel-1) && (($this->getName() == $this->fallback))));

		if ($lastCall)
			//Assets implementations
			$this->buildJS();		//Scripts inline

		$html = $class->build($args);  //Recursivity

		if ($lastCall)
			$html = $class->embedLink($html);

		$html = $class->parse($html);   //Recursivity and parsing

		if ($lastCall && $class->canEmbed)
			$this->ajaxHeader($html);	//Embed javascript and CSS in case of Ajax call


		$html = $class->build($args);  //Recursivity

		if ($class->last)
			$html = $class->embedLink($html);

			//Assets implementations

		$html = $class->parse($html);   //Recursivity and parsing

		if ($class->last && $class->canEmbed)
			$class->ajaxHeader($html);	//Embed javascript and CSS in case of Ajax call

		$indent = $this->getOption('indent');
		if ($indent && ($this->level == 1))
			$html = $this->indent($html, $indent);

		return $html;


	function implementAssets()
		$this->addScript(); //DEPRECATED

		$this->buildJS();		//Javascript inline
		$this->buildCSS();		//CSS inline

	function attachFiles()


	function attachJsFiles()
		if (!isset($this->attachJs))

		$attachJs = $this->attachJs;

		if (!is_array($attachJs))
			$attachJs = array($attachJs);

		$fileBase = ""; // dom Root
		if (isset($this->assetName) && ($this->assetName != null))
			$fileBase = 'assets' .DS. $this->assetName .DS. 'js' .DS;

		foreach($attachJs as $jsFileName)
			if (preg_match("/^http/", $jsFileName))
				$this->addScript($fileBase . $jsFileName);

	function attachCssFiles()
		if (!isset($this->attachCss))

		$attachCss = $this->attachCss;

		if (!is_array($attachCss))
			$attachCss = array($attachCss);

		$fileBase = ""; // dom Root
		if (isset($this->assetName) && ($this->assetName != null))
			$fileBase = 'assets' .DS. $this->assetName .DS. 'css' .DS;

		foreach($attachCss as $cssFileName)
			$relativeName = $fileBase . $cssFileName;

	 * Abstract
	function buildJS()	{}

	 * Abstract
	function buildCSS()	{}

	function getInstance($args, $name = null)

		if ($name)	//Static call  - Level = 0
			$relativeName = $name . ".php";
			$className = "JDom" . ucfirst($name);
			$path = $name;
			$error = self::includeFile($relativeName, $className, $args[1]);

			$name = $this->getName();
			$path = $this->path .DS. $name;

			$relativeName = $path . ".php";
			$className = get_class($this) . ucfirst($name);

			$error = $this->includeFile($relativeName, $className, $args[1]);


		if ($error || !class_exists($className))
			return null;

		$class = new $className($args);
		$class->path = $path;

		return $class;

	 * Search the appropriate class file, depending on context
	function includeFile($relativeName, $className, $options = array())

		$file = self::searchFile($relativeName, $options);

		//Not founded
		if (!$file)
			echo('<strong>' . JText::_('Not found') . '</strong> : ' . $className);
			return true;

			JError::setErrorHandling(E_ERROR, 'die'); //force error type to die
			$error = JError::raiseError( 500, JText::_('Unable to load JDom class : ') . $className);

			return $error;


	function searchFile($relativeName, $options = array())
		// Defines the priority ORDER for classes FALLBACKS
		// TODO : Comment some lines, or change order depending on how you want to use this functionnality

		$jinput = new JInput;

		if (isset($options['searches']))
			$searches = $options['searches'];
			$searches = array(
					'template.view',		// 	Files on the view directory of the template -> Filter on particular view
					'template.component',	// 	Files on the component directory of the template -> Filter for this component
					'template',				// 	Files on the root directory of the template
					'client.view',			//	Files on the component view directory -> Search in the current client side (front or back)
					'client',				//	Files on the component root directory -> Search in the current client side (front or back)
					'front.view',			//	Files on the FRONT component view directory (Site client)
					'front',				//	Files on the FRONT component root directory (Site client)
					'back.view',			//	Files on the BACK component view directory (Administrator client)
					'back',					//	Files on the BACK component root directory (Administrator client)


		if (isset($options['extension']))
			$extension = $options['extension'];
			$extension = $jinput->get('option', null, 'CMD');

		if (isset($options['view']))
			$view = $options['view'];
			$view = $jinput->get('view', null, 'CMD');

		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$tmpl = $app->getTemplate();
		$tmplPath = JPATH_SITE .DS. 'templates' .DS. $tmpl .DS. 'html';

		if ($searches)
		foreach($searches as $search)
				case 'template.view';
					$path = $tmplPath .DS. $extension .DS. $view;

				case 'template.component';
					$path = $tmplPath .DS. $extension;

				case 'template';
					$path = $tmplPath;

				case 'client.view';
					$path = JPATH_COMPONENT .DS. 'views' .DS. $view;

				case 'client';
					$path = JPATH_COMPONENT;

				case 'front.view';
					$path = JPATH_SITE .DS. 'components' .DS. $extension .DS. 'views' .DS. $view;

				case 'front';
					$path = JPATH_SITE .DS. 'components' .DS. $extension;

				case 'back.view';
					$path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR .DS. 'components' .DS. $extension .DS. 'views' .DS. $view;

				case 'back';
					$path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR .DS. 'components' .DS. $extension;

					$path = $search;		//Custom path


			$completePath = $path .DS. 'dom' .DS. $relativeName;

			if (file_exists($completePath))
				return $completePath;


		//Last Fallback : call a children file from the JDom called Class (First instanced)
		if (!file_exists($completePath))
			$classFile = __FILE__;
			if (preg_match("/.+dom\.php$/", $classFile))
				$classRoot = substr($classFile, 0, strlen($classFile) - 8) .DS ;
				$completePath = $classRoot .DS. $relativeName;

				if (file_exists($completePath))
					return $completePath;

		return null;


	function arg($name, $i = null, $args = array(), $fallback = null)
		$optionValue = $this->getOption($name);

		if ($optionValue !== null)
			$this->$name = $this->options[$name];
		else if (($i !== null) && (count($args) > $i))
			if ($args[$i] !== null)
				$this->$name = $args[$i];
				$this->$name = $fallback;

		if (!isset($this->$name) && ($fallback !== null))
			$this->$name = $fallback;

		if ($optionValue)
			$this->options[$name] = $this->$name;


	function isArg($varname)
		if (isset($this->$varname) || (is_array($this->options) && (in_array($varname, array_keys($this->options)))))
			return true;
			return false;

	function getOption($name)
		if (($name != 'options') && (is_array($this->options)) && (in_array($name, array_keys($this->options))))
			return $this->options[$name];

		return null;

	 * Abstract
	function jsonArgs($args = array())
		return json_encode($args);


	function getName($namespace = null)
		if ($namespace)		//Static call  - Level = 0
			$parts = explode(".", $namespace);

			$name = $parts[0];
			if (!$name)
				$name = 'html'; 	//Fallback

			$parts = explode(".", $this->namespace);
			if (count($parts) > $this->level)
				$name = $parts[$this->level];
				$name = $this->fallback;


		return $name;


	function indent($contents, $indent)
		if (is_int($indent))
			$indentStr = "";
			for($i = 0 ; $i < $indent ; $i++)
				$indentStr .= "	";
			$indentStr = $indent;

		$lines = explode("\n", $contents);
		$indentedLines = array();

		foreach($lines as $line)
			if (trim($line) != "") //Don't indent line if empty
				$line = $indentStr . $line;

			$indentedLines[] =  $line;

		return implode("\n", $indentedLines);

	function getExtension()
		$extension = $this->getOption('extension');

		if (!$extension)
			$jinput = new JInput;
			$extension = $jinput->get('option', null, 'CMD');

		return $extension;

	function getView()
		$view = $this->getOption('view');

		if (!$view)
			$jinput = new JInput;
			$view = $jinput->get('view', null, 'CMD');

		return $view;

	 * 	Abstract
	function parseVars()
		return array();

	function parse($pattern)
		$vars = $this->parseVars();

		$html = $pattern;

		if (isset($vars) && count($vars))
		foreach($vars as $key => $value)
			$html = preg_replace("/<%" . strtoupper($key) . "%>/", $value, $html);

		return $html;


	 * object	@object	: Object value source
	 * string 	@pattern : pattern composed by object keys:
	 * 					ie : "<%name%> <%surname%> <%_user_email%>" (DEPRECATED)
	 * 					ie : "{name} {surname} {_user_email}" (NEW FORMAT)
	 * 					note : theses values must be available in $object
	function parseKeys($object, $pattern)
		if (is_array($pattern))
			$namespace = $pattern[0];
			$options['labelKey'] = null; // No recursivity

			$options = array_merge($this->options, $pattern);
			$labelKey = $options['labelKey'];

			$options['list'] = null;
			$options['dataValue'] = $this->parseKeys($object, $labelKey);

			return JDom::_($namespace, $options);
		//Tags <% %> are deprecated use { } instead
		$tag1 = '[<,{]%?';
		$tag2 = '%?[>,}]';

		$matches = array();
		if (preg_match_all("/" . $tag1 . "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)" . $tag2 . "/", $pattern, $matches))

			$label = $pattern;

			$index = 0;
			foreach($matches[0] as $match)
				$key = $matches[2][$index];

				if ($type = $matches[1][$index])
					$type = substr($type, 0, strlen($type) - 1);

					$namespace = "html.fly." . $type;
					$options['dataValue'] = $this->parseKeys($object, $key);

					$value = JDom::_($namespace, $options);
					$value = (isset($object->$key)?$object->$key:"");
				$label = preg_replace("/" . $tag1 . "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:)?" . $key . "" . $tag2 . "/", $value, $label);


			$key = $pattern;  //No patterns
			$label = (isset($object->$key)?$object->$key:"");

		return $label;

	 * Parse a string with JText
	 * Accepts a composed string ie : "[MY_FIRST_STRING], [MY_SECOND_STRING] : "
	function JText($text)
		//Fix a little Joomla bug
		if ((strtolower($text) == 'true') || (strtolower($text) == 'false'))
			return $text;

		if (preg_match("/\[([A-Z0-9_]+)\]/", $text))
			preg_match_all("/\[([A-Z0-9_]+)\]/", $text, $results);
			foreach($results[1] as $string)
				$translated = JText::_($string);
				$text = preg_replace("/\[(" . $string . ")\]/", JText::_($string), $text);
			$text = JText::_($text);

		return $text;


	function addScript($assetPath = null)
		if ((!$assetPath) && (!isset($this->assetName)))

		if ($assetPath)
			$relativeName = $assetPath;
		else if (!defined('JQUERY'))
			//Deprecated with the coming of jQuery
			$name = $this->assetName;
			$relativeName = 'assets' .DS. $name . DS. 'js' .DS . $name . '.js';

		$jsFile = $this->searchFile($relativeName, false);
		if ($jsFile)
			$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

			if (!defined('JQUERY'))

				//Main JDom file is deprecated with the coming of jQuery
				//Add JDom Js main class (before)
				$jDomClass = 'assets' .DS. 'jdom.js';
				$jsFileMain = $this->searchFile($jDomClass, false);
				if ($jsFileMain)


			//Loads the asset script



	function addStyleSheet($assetPath = null)
		if ((!$assetPath) && (!isset($this->assetName)))

		if ($assetPath)
			$relativeName = $assetPath;
			$name = $this->assetName;
			$relativeName = 'assets' .DS. $name . DS. 'css' .DS . $name . '.css';

		$cssFile = $this->searchFile($relativeName, false);
		if ($cssFile)


	function jsEmbedReady($script)
		if (defined('JQUERY'))
			//Using jQuery
			$js = "jQuery(document).ready(function(){" . LN;
			$js .= $this->indent($script, 1);
			$js .= LN. "});";

			return $js;

		//MooTools fallback
		$js = "window.addEvent('domready', function(){" . LN;
		$js .= $this->indent($script, 1);
		$js .= LN. "});";

		return $js;


	function addScriptInline($script, $embedReady = false)
		if ($embedReady)
			$script = $this->jsEmbedReady($script);

		$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

	function ajaxHeader(&$html)
		$jinput = new JInput;
		$layout = $jinput->get('layout', null, 'CMD');
		if ($layout == 'ajax')
			$jsScript = $this->ajaxCallbackOnLoad();
			$css = $this->ajaxAttachCss();
			$html = $css . $jsScript . $html;

	function ajaxAttachCss()
		$document = JFactory::getDocument();

		$lnEnd = $document->_getLineEnd();
		$tab = $document->_getTab();
		$tagEnd = ' />';
		$buffer = '';

		// Generate stylesheet links
		foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr)
			$buffer .= $tab . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $strSrc . '" type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"';
			if (!is_null($strAttr['media']))
				$buffer .= ' media="' . $strAttr['media'] . '" ';
			if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($strAttr['attribs']))
				$buffer .= ' ' . $temp;
			$buffer .= $tagEnd . $lnEnd;

		// Generate stylesheet declarations
		foreach ($document->_style as $type => $content)
			$buffer .= $tab . '<style type="' . $type . '">' . $lnEnd;

			// This is for full XHTML support.
			if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
				$buffer .= $tab . $tab . '<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd;

			$buffer .= $content . $lnEnd;

			// See above note
			if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
				$buffer .= $tab . $tab . ']]>' . $lnEnd;
			$buffer .= $tab . '</style>' . $lnEnd;

		return $buffer;

	 * Embed the scripts inside a temporary function called after the domReady event
	function ajaxCallbackOnLoad()
		$jinput = new JInput;
		$token = $jinput->get('token', null, 'CMD');
		if (!$token)

		$jsScript = "";

		$document = JFactory::getDocument();

		$type = 'text/javascript';
		$jsScript .= '<script type="' . $type . '">';
		// This is for full XHTML support.
		if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
			$jsScript .= '<![CDATA[';

	// Generate script file links
		$files = array();
		foreach ($document->_scripts as $strSrc => $strAttr)
			$files[] = $strSrc;

		if (count($files))
			$jsScript .= "ajaxLinkOnLoad['_js_" . $token . "'] = ['"
						.	implode("', '", $files)
						.	"'];" ."\n";

	// Generate script declarations
		$scripts = array();
		foreach ($document->_script as $type => $content)
			$scripts[] = $content;

		//Embed the scripts
		$jsScript .= "ajaxCallbackOnLoad['_" . $token . "'] = function(){"
				.	implode("\n", $scripts)
				.	"};" ."\n";

		// See above note
		if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
			$jsScript .=  ']]>';
		$jsScript .= '</script>';

		return $jsScript;

	function pathToUrl($path, $raw = false)
		$path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
		$JPATH_SITE = str_replace("\\", "/", $JPATH_SITE);

		$escaped = preg_replace("/\//", "\/", $JPATH_SITE);
		$relUrl = preg_replace("/^" . $escaped . "/", "", $path);

		if ($raw)
			return $relUrl;

		return JURI::root(true) . $relUrl;

	function strftime2regex($format)
		$d2 = "(\d{2})";
		$d4 = "([1-9]\d{3})";

		$patterns =
array(	"\\", 	"/", 	"#",	"!", 	"^", "$", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|", "?", "+", "*", ".",
		"%Y", 	"%y",	"%m",	"%d", 	"%H", 	"%M", 	"%S", 	" ");
		$replacements =
array(	"\\", "\/", 	"\#",	"\!", 	"\^", "$", "\(", "\)", "\[", "\]", "\{", "\}", "\|", "\?", "\+", "\*", "\.",
		$d4,	$d2,	$d2,	$d2,	$d2,	$d2,	$d2,	"\s");

		$regex = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $format);

		return "/^" . $regex . "$/";

	function jVersion($ver, $comp = '>=')
		return version_compare(JVERSION, $ver, $comp);

	function adminTemplate()

		if ($this->jVersion('1.6'))
			return 'bluestork';
			return 'khepri';

	function systemImagesDir()
		if ($this->jVersion('1.6'))
			$dir = 'templates' .DS. $this->adminTemplate() .DS. 'images' .DS. 'admin';
			$dir = "images";

		if ($this->app->isSite())
			$dir = "administrator" .DS . $dir;

		return $dir;

	function extensionDir()
		return JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR .DS. 'components' .DS. $this->getExtension();

	function domUrl()
		$url = self::pathToUrl($this->extensionDir() . '/dom');
		return $url;

	function assetImage($imageName, $assetName = null)
		if (!$assetName)
			$assetName = $this->getName();

		$urlImage = self::domUrl().'/assets/'. $assetName . '/images/' . $imageName;

		return $urlImage;

	function htmlAssetSpriteImage($urlImage, $d)
		$image = "<div style='background-image: url(" . $urlImage . ");"
			.	"width:" . $d->w . "px;"
			.	"height:" . $d->h . "px;"
			.	"background-position:-" . $d->x . "px -" . $d->y . "px;'>"
			.	"</div>";

		return $image;

	function accessTask($task)
		$aclAccess = $this->getOption('aclAccess');

		if ($aclAccess)
			return $this->access();

		switch ($task)
			case 'new':
				$access = 'core.create';

			case 'edit':
			case 'save':
			case 'apply':
				$access = 'core.edit';

			case 'publish':
			case 'unpublish':
			case 'trash':
			case 'default_it':
				$access = 'core.edit.state';

			case 'delete':
			case 'empty_trash':
				$access = 'core.delete';

			case 'config':
				$access = 'core.manage';

				return true;


		return $this->access($access);

	function access($aclAccess = null)
		if (!$aclAccess)
			$aclAccess = $this->getOption('aclAccess');

		if (!$aclAccess)
			return true;

		if (!is_array($aclAccess))
			$aclAccess = array($aclAccess);

		$aclAsset = $this->getOption('aclAsset');
		if (!$aclAsset)
			$aclAsset = $this->getExtension();

		$user 	= JFactory::getUser();

		$authorize = false;
		foreach($aclAccess as $acl)
			if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '<'))
				$auth = $user->authorize($aclAsset, $acl);
				$auth = $user->authorise($acl, $aclAsset);

			if ($auth)
				$authorize = true;


		return $authorize;

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Re: Component doesn't load on external installation 12 Jan 2013 11:46 #6428

  • JoomGuy
  • JoomGuy's Avatar
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  • Joomla Enthusiast, Lover of Cooking
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OK, found it:
 * THE ISSUE: Malformed quotations in the build image
 * function htmlAssetSpriteImage($urlImage, $d)
	$image = "<div style="background-image: url('/" . $urlImage . "');"
		.	"width:" . $d->w . "px;"
		.	"height:" . $d->h . "px;"
		.	"background-position:-" . $d->x . "px -" . $d->y . "px;'>"
		.	"</div>";

	return $image;

function htmlAssetSpriteImage($urlImage, $d)
		$image = "<div style='background-image: url(" . $urlImage . ");"
			.	"width:" . $d->w . "px;"
			.	"height:" . $d->h . "px;"
			.	"background-position:-" . $d->x . "px -" . $d->y . "px;'>"
			.	"</div>";

		return $image;
Hope it helps!


BTW - What is your current config set to for JDom in the builder and are you using Cook 2.0 beta?
Need help with your Cook/Joomla Project? . PM me to find out what I can help with. NO time wasters please!!!

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Last edit: by JoomGuy. Reason: Yet again
Time to create page: 0.100 seconds

I'm playing around with the new mvc and the FORK feature is FANTASTIC!!! it's saving me a lot of time! you are doing a very good job!!

Tomaselli (Forum)  

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