New Features :
Propagate accesses.
Propagate accesses from a foreign table to a curent table.
For example when a category is not accessible, the items of this category will not be loaded.
This is a security potection it applies directly on the SQL query.
As usual in Cook, this feature does not have any FK level limit restrictions.
Accesses are :
- Viewlevel access
- Published states
- Authoring
Improved UI rendering and JDom

And much more : Ajax filters,UI fixes, grid booleans and Bootstrap task buttons.
Includes the last jQuery versions : jQuery : v1.10.2 - jQuery UI : v1.10.3 (Drag/Drop, Sortables)

'icomoon' and 'gliphicons' libs are not compatibles because they use the same 'icon-' prefix.
JDom is reimplementating them with different prefix. ('icomoon-*' ; 'glyphicon-*')
Still you can use 'icon-*' at your own risk, but Joomla native backend templates are using different libraries for 'icon-*'
Grouped task buttons in grids
Task icons in grid are now grouped together in a Bootstrap btn-group in one table cell.
Still you can display the task in separated buttons :
Grid Properties > Layout > Tasks in grid : Individual buttons
Removed "Num' column.
Column displaying the item number in the grid has been removed.
If you want to use it, click on the option in the grid properties. Tab 'Layout'.
Grid Properties > Layout > Show Num#
Grid checkbox visibility : canSelect()
This function in the list model is testing if the user can select items or not. The result is used to show or hide the checkboxes in grid.
Check your forks :
Model > prepareQuery() Improved, and not always compatible with Cook 2.5.x
- In your forks : search for 'addJoin('
- Add ` around table names when missing (can raise an issue when you are using propagation accesses)
JDom have been highly improved.
- Check you do not have JDom namespace error in your pages.
- If you have errors, regenerate your component and see the new way.
When modules are calling your components. If you run multiple JDom instances.
- Replace dom.php in all your existing components. (because first found is loaded)
Fixes :
- SECURITY : index.html files was missing when upload 'rename' property value is including sub folders. ex: {ID} / {RAND}.{MIMEXT}
- populateObject() JSON decoding fixed
- Fix when multiples searches was created on the same layout.
- Can apply correctly CSS class names on elements. Easier templating.
- Ajax filters rendering
- FK Ajax combo fix when instancied alone without group. (simple select)
- JADMINISTRATOR removed in front title of the pages.
- Some files was missing for tiny project (when no back-end layout).
- 'Defaulting' wizard improved behaviors. (Undefault other items, (eventualy distinct groups), directly in the model, by security)
- Defaults layouts issues fixed. (Could happen before some collisions in the builder after deleting the first collection layout created)