
Dataset Snapshot New feature : Snapshot the dataset

Save you datasets in backup files.
Thanks to this feature, you can now be sure to never lost your datasets and to be able to play with them.

Drag a dataset to the drop area to reinstall it in the sandbox.

The first line are the milestones for every regeneration in sandbox. It is a simple FIFO stack.
The second line is the list of your manual snapshots.

Let me first state that this is an amazing and fascinating product exactly what I was looking for. In just a few hours (listening to the very well made and clearly understandable videos learning doing) I completed and installed my first component. I am now in the second refining phase. I will make a recommenation in JED. Thanks for the effort in creating such a great product. Incidentally some of the best Joomla extension I use are of French origin !
Giori (Forum)

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