
Dataset Snapshot New feature : Snapshot the dataset

Save you datasets in backup files.
Thanks to this feature, you can now be sure to never lost your datasets and to be able to play with them.

Drag a dataset to the drop area to reinstall it in the sandbox.

The first line are the milestones for every regeneration in sandbox. It is a simple FIFO stack.
The second line is the list of your manual snapshots.

Real time saver and great Component Builder tool ! I have been developing with J-Cook Pro Component Builder for several months now and can say with all honesty that this product/service is second to none. The product is feature rich and is being improved and added to all the time. Do yourself a favor if you need to build a Joomla! Component then you can do no wrong in trying the product. You will save on time and effort while being able to deliver your project on time. J-Cook pro does the hard work for you you then have the freedom to fully customise the end result for your own needs. 

One word: Awesome.
Edwardcox (JED)

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