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Grid View 03 Jun 2013 18:26 #7307

can anyone help???
I find the way / or not possible, I want to at the hearing collation (grid) to make columns with content, to display 4 columns and 4 cells, believe it is possible :( ? thanks in advance :unsure:

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Re: Grid View 03 Jun 2013 21:54 #7308

auto answer, please see this post .... I found a solution ...
<? php
$ k = 0;
for ($ i = 0, $ n = count ($ this-> items); $ i <$ n, $ i + +):

$ row = & $ this-> items [$ i];

Change to:

<? php
$ k = 0;
for ($ i = 0, $ n = count ($ this-> items); $ i <$ n, $ i + +):
if ($ tdcount == '3 ') {echo "<tr> <td>"; $ tdcount == '1'} else {echo "<td>";}

$ row = & $ this-> items [$ i];

then find:

<? php
$ k = 1 - k;

and change to:

<? php
$ k = 1 - k;
if ($ tdcount == "3") {echo "</ td> </ tr>";} else {echo "</ td>"; $ tdcount + +;}

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