I would like to take this opportunity to announce to the community that JComBuilder.net is back online. Our service is complementary to J-Cook pro. We offer assistance in building complete Components (and extensions) for Joomla! 2.5.x/3.2.x utilising J-Cook Pro. In addition we can provide you with a sensible quotation on getting the job done for you. We work with J-Cook Pro, we use J-Cook Pro to build all of our client solutions. If you require assistance in getting your Component done perhaps due to time constraints, lack of available resources, or perhaps just a lack of experience or skills in Joomla! development - that's where we come in.
So, if you are curious, please have a look at
and have a look for yourself. If we can assist you then please let us know. We're here to help.
Edward - JComBuilder.