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How Many Tables i can create in the new table Menu 12 May 2014 08:55 #12435

How Many Tables i can create in the new table Menu?

I am planning to create lots of tables, how many tables i can create in J-Cook? New table?

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How Many Tables i can create in the new table Menu 14 May 2014 08:06 #12438

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Unlimited, but there is a memory limit in the generator and if your component is huge, you can experience memory limits. Also for loading it in the builder.
Let's say that it depends if you create every time 2 layout front and 2 layouts back for every table it is different than only handling a simple table in database.
Let's say until 50 tables you will not experiment any problem. Then with FoF in future, Cook will be able to handle more tables.
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How Many Tables i can create in the new table Menu 14 May 2014 08:11 #12439

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I have seen projects in cook with 80 tables, so don't worry too much.
If you think it will be huge, think to developp you application in splitted components. One component for engine, another one for reporting, etc...

Try also to merge your tables for simple lists,
When you have multiple tables with the same columns defined, you can optimize, such as CCK or com_categories. There is a field that specify the context of the data. So the same table can store items for different purposes. In this way you can put many tables in the same one
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How Many Tables i can create in the new table Menu 18 May 2014 08:34 #12447

How do i use the external database connection or multiple database connection to query outside joomla database tables and show it in the j-cook grid layout?

my goal is to use external or existing tables not connected in main joomla database, but to show the results in j-cook builder.

Example view 1 :

external database with tables to query it and display in the view 1

another continuous external database connection

example : view 2

external database connection another database name with tables

Now how do i insert it in the j-cook pro generated model scripts?

currently i only see the $query from table generated in j-cook but how do i insert the external database

Below are the external db configuration that i need to be placed in j-cook

$db = JFactory::getDbo();

$option = array(); //prevent problems

$option = 'mysql'; // Database driver name
$option = 'db.myhost.com'; // Database host name
$option = 'fredbloggs'; // User for database authentication
$option = 's9(39s£h[%dkFd'; // Password for database authentication
$option = 'bigdatabase'; // Database name
$option = 'abc_'; // Database prefix (may be empty)

$db = JDatabase::getInstance( $option );

public function __construct($config = array())

$option = array(); //prevent problems

$option = 'mysql'; // Database driver name
$option = 'localhost'; // Database host name
$option = 'myusername'; // User for database authentication
$option = 'saltedpassword'; // Password for database authentication
$option = 'db_extern'; // Database name
$option = ''; // Database prefix (may be empty)

$db = JDatabase::getInstance( $option );

this code must be eliminated if needed but only the needed for j-cook should be used.

Anybody help ?

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Really great Joomla tool Cook is a great piece of kit for creating Joomla components. It uses a drag-n-drop interface to build tables and fully featured pages. You can test your component in a sandbox before downloading it packaged up ready to install. The developer is responsive on the support forum.
Twev (JED)

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