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Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 22 Apr 2015 06:28 #12917

Rather than show the saved content from the form fields.. the form handles are appearing.. Example:


I'm perplexed as it was working fine a week or so ago when I first made it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I've read the posts by the Admin.. and I now understand why the gaps that exist in this project exist. He is taking this all on himself.. its simply not doable in my opinion.. I'm shocked he gets done what he does.

My suggestion to him would be to hire some staff.. take that leap.. I almost never joined because the videos I saw at youtube were several years old. I went looking for the site anyways and realized how fabulous this service could be and joined. Like many here I'm stuck trying to figure out and use a system that is both being evolved and tweaked by one guy. as he deals with this board. and all the other tasks he must have on his plate. (I'd hire this guy in a heartbeat by the way)...

Perhaps create a community driven "help" site.. where experienced users would be encouraged to take part in creating documentation and videos etc?? Most people are happy to help.. I'd do it for you all if I knew what I was doing ;-p

Ask for some help Admin.. even with rewriting the existing help documentation you already have to fill in some gaps and brush up on the language barrier issues would be of great use to us newbies.

When I joined it took about a week to approve my account.. I was left wondering if the site wanted my money.. I suspect some people take that as a hint of things to come and just leave... ask for help Admin.. its too much work for one guy.

Joomla! is open source.. open source developers are about helping the community. In my opinion you are more than ready to hire a pile of staff and blast off.. but absent of that lean on the community.. they're good people who want to help you out.

Just my two bits.

Appreciate any help you good people can give.

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Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 22 Apr 2015 12:09 #12918

The problem with a component creator, people only tend to use it / pay for it when they are in the process of creating a component, which makes the customer base for this small service insufficient to run a company that focuses on that single product. The community support is usually pretty solid, but I will admit at the moment it is quieter than usual.

I suspect one of the best moves for this service (JCOOK) would be to list it on stack exchange as a product needing support as that gets all the benefits of point scoring and rank etc.. but thats by the by.

Your issue

Is this a component that you have built and now have running on a joomla install? You say it was working but then all of a sudden isn't. If this is running outside of J-COOK sandbox then you have to look for another influence on your website. What have you changed? Maybe you have a corrupted FORK (if you use those)

I beleive J-COOK components are only guaranteed for Joomla 3.2, though I run them on 3.3.6 as well.

Do they run on Joomla 3.4? Not sure but I think there are some problems. Have you upgraded your Joomla install?

I have never heard of a situation where form fields are showing form handles instead of the database values.. unless I have misunderstood your issue
Morgan Leecy MCSE

Novell / Linux
PHP. MYSQL, Apache, node.js
Coldfusion, JQuery, HTML5

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Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 24 Apr 2015 12:01 #12919

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I totally understand your point of view. Cook is not really a product yet, see it like a tool for medium advanced users, and you can use as your please. This is the reason why I keep it low profile at the moment.
As morgan explained I could be more present on the web. For the moment I don’t show up because cook is not properly finished. Who can say either that Joomla is finished ?
And this is exactly the comments I do not want to receive if I show up profile. I even keep the feet on the break to avoid too much viral proportions before to be a finished product. If you are here it is because a friend told it to you. I placed advertisement nowhere for the moment. Did you noticed it ?
About the money, of course I need it , same as everybody, but I am not begging it or pushing people to me using tricks.
Registration approvals are 95% of the time done within 48h. If you had a longer delay, it can happens. I am profoundly sorry. This is the problem working alone.

Cook Self Service is also a space dedicated of sharing knowledge about Joomla and cook builds. The atmosphere has always been kind until coming your post.
I promise you will be happy with the coming releases. (very very soon and not a joke).

Kind regards.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 24 Apr 2015 18:10 #12922

Firstly welcome aboard ianinlangley :)
As a fellow user of Cook i am sorry to see that you experienced issues with getting started however i am sure with time you will see that Cook is one of the most advanced component builders available and well worth the low monthly access fees... believe me i was amazed when Admin changed the pricing structure and created a credit for the initial users that were signed up to the original pay per component pricing structure... if you have an issue do not hesitate to ask in the forum... but please be aware that some issues take time to resolve... Admin is human and can not be on the forum 24/7... whilst some of us can try to help we are simply fellow end users

@ianinlangley: please dont take the following as a shot at you
but I feel that I must raise the following advice for those that "may" read your post as indicating that Cook is not well supported by the developer

For anyone reading the starting post in this thread that may be considering a Cook Self Service Subscription and is perhaps concerned about the level of service offered by Cook Self Service...

I have been using Cook Self Service since the very early days... i can back up Admins claims that you will be happy with the coming releases NOT because I have seen a preview but because i have watched Jocelyn's dedication to the Cook project over many years... I am yet to see a major release that disappoints... each time something new... some functionality that did not exist before... and yes each and every step of the way Admin listens to the users... one developer yes but the Cook community does have a number of users like myself that help out where we can

As a seasoned user of Cook i have had my fair share of "BUGS" but not one issue that i have had has gone unresolved by Admin. There are a number of users that have contributed in the background to improving / solving bugs but i can only imagine the headaches that Admin has faced without assistance as Cook has evolved whilst maintaining backward compatibility as far back as Joomla! 1.6

Whilst it may seem that Cook is not ready for prime time i beg to differ Cook has come a long way from its early days... and simply amazing when you think that one person has created, maintained and kept backward compatibility for many versions of Joomla! Joomla! itself keeps changing the way things are done and i do believe that there are a number of areas where backward compatibility has not been maintained by Joomla! developers that Admin has had to deal with in recent times add in changes to PHP and MYSQL versions along the way - Hats off (commendations) to Admin is all i can say.

As for documentation yes it may appear to be lacking / out of date but i believe the basics of creating a Cook component remain the same today as they always have. Create a table, add some fields, create a layout / view, build project and download your project or build and test in sandbox. I do believe it was once said that if you can use MS Access you can Cook and today that still holds true...

In the forum you will see many topics that are not formally documented but i would suggest that these are advanced techniques that have been developed as Cook has evolved through input from Admin and many members of the Cook Community... Topics such as splitting components, linking to external data sources, adding specific filters to the model, merging views, calling a specific model, modifying the "out of the box" component are some what specific to the individual developer / project and unfortunately no project could ever cover all advanced techniques in formal documentation.
In fact I believe that Joomla! itself struggles to keep its own documentation updated as it releases new updates

A Service such as Cook can not meet every need of every user... but Cook does a damn good job of allowing a beginner developer create a simple component but is powerful enough to allow an advanced developer to extend the "out of the box" functionality of a Cook Component with relative ease.

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Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 24 Apr 2015 18:44 #12923

ianinlangley wrote: Rather than show the saved content from the form fields.. the form handles are appearing.. Example:


I'm perplexed as it was working fine a week or so ago when I first made it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Now back to your issue...
So are you saying that the field labels are not displaying correctly... or the input field has something that resembles a field name

Firstly Could we gather some detail
What Build version are you using J1.6, J1.7, J2.5, J3.0, J3.2
Settings on the Builder config tab may help as well
What Joomla Version are you installing it on
your PHP Version
Local Host install or production site?
Did you upgrade your component by installing over the top or did you uninstall and then install the new component build
Does it work in the sand box?

occasionally i have seen mysterious unexplained issues when i last built component for say Joomla 2.5 then mistakenly tried to install on 3.0+

if you see all caps such as EXCHANGEPOSTS_NAME you have a language file issue perhaps a new field has been created but you have done a component up grade / over the top install

The more information you can give us in the beginning the better chance of being able to resolve

BTB 300

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Last edit: by BTB300. Reason: typo fix

Front End Displays Form Handles.. Not Content. 26 Apr 2015 16:08 #12926

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Thank you BTB300, you remembre even better than me all the way long. Your fidelity is really appreciable.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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A HUGE thank you for all the time and effort you have put into J-Cook it is a timesaver and a training tool all in one
Morgan Leecy - MCSE  

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