Jocelyn, it's not the metter of money, you have no idea how j-cook helped me in my projects,
it really live-saver, btw the real costs are 0 because I live in the same town and will have good time.
My goal is to help j-cook get more popular because I want to benefit form new features
I've been talking with one of events administrators, and the feedback on j-cooks topic is

and guess what nobody have heard about that earlier.
Because we'll have only 30 minutes,
I would like to make super fast presentation with brief information,
(if you wan't to send me some ideas it would be great),
for now I was thinking about:
1.) Problem and Solution
preset the
problem of custom app deveopmlent
-how its hard and expesive to develop realible app,
-how its hard to find developers for projects for yesterday,
-how hard is to add new fetures in existing app,
-how hard ist to keep app compatible with constantly evolving Joomla environment
-super fast achivmenet of walking skeleton
-realible code
-low learning curve
-rapid protyping
2.) Data relations concepts (FK, n:m)
3.) collections, forms and flys
4.) Sandbox and development iterations
5.) Interface controls (drop downs with search, bools, filters, maps...)
6.) Language keys
7.) installations,
8.) Fork system and custom development
and to show real live cooking process.
involving super cool features like n:m, Google maps, etc
(have to figure out the exact concept of application)
so many to things,
so little time...
The audience is going to be Joomla experts,
so I think I can make it really rapid...