Hello Zutiste
Before I explain a little what I've done, I have to say that Cook is in any way a substitute of a Joomla programmer, it is a big helper in the development process, but still... if you want a very basic component, you will not need a programmer, but for complex extensions... than.. for sure... a good Joomla programmer is required, because it is structured in MVC and it has lots of api's and you have to know what they for and how to play wit than...
So... that1s said...
In my case, developed all the component inside the limitations of cook, making tables and theirs collections... But on my component, I was in the need to make a full dashboard wit mos of the data's inside one single view, and the way I had done, it was spread in 17 different views... that's is crazy to maintain... So.. my idea was simple... I just created inside my main view, many iframes, where I could add and edit my itens... but let me tell... it was not an easy process, because I had to be testing all the time if I removed one thing, if the whole process would work... but I got it to work and the end result was near to perfect.
About the panels, I used a Joomla api and CSS classes that makes those panels to work and
you can read my comment
about this on a previous post, where a suggest the Admin to incorporate such options on Cook
About the tips to maintain compatibility... it was not an easy process either.. .because every time I generated a new version, I had to add the new features manually on the code, as Admin said before...