Hi again,
Forgive me, but first you need to chill

I just asked questions about what's new in j-cook.pro. Haven't been here for a while and it's now hard to see what changes are there when it comes to code quality - probably great changes with the version 2.0!
From what you have just written some drawbacks might have their source in the fact that j-cook.pro was for both J 1.5 and J.16+ platform. Didn't know that it changed !!!! (that's why all the questions)
When you speak about another solution without specificating wich one, It gives me the impression that you are affiliated to this alternative you do not want to tell the name.
I didn't mean to make this impression! I was thinking about -> Not Web Design's Joomla Component Creator. I didn't want to name it, because it's sometimes simply not welcome.
I haven't had opportunity to compare it with the current j-cook version. A year ago it was possible to create some sample code with jcook - now it's not. ( again - that's why I'm asking )
Here, we are free to talk about all existing products, even concurrents.
So, my impression is that you attempt to distract the users here.
No idea why. I have a feeling any critisim might cause such impression.
Anyways, I didn't mean to offend (!?) you and if I did, I'm sorry for doing so.
@ audibleid
THANK YOU - that's what I was looking for.
PS. I'll give it a try and see what's what by myself.