Hy griesr1
i have the same problem with html.php and i solved
greisr1 wrote: Notice: Undefined property: JDomHtmlLinkDefault::$dataValue in C:\wamp\www\joomla\administrator\components\com_sportsmanager\dom\html.php on line 165
you mast check on funtion embedLink for isset variabel dataValue before check for ist !="".
the right code is now:
function embedLink($contents)
$html = "";
if (isset($this->dataValue))
if ((isset($this->href) || isset($this->target)) && (basename($this->dataValue) != ""))
$html .= JDom::_("html.link", array(
'href' => (isset($this->href)?$this->href:null),
'link_title' => (isset($this->link_title)?$this->link_title:null),
'content' => $contents,
'target' => (isset($this->target)?$this->target:null),
'handler' => (isset($this->handler)?$this->handler:null),
return $html;
return $contents;