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Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 13 Aug 2013 05:56 #10772


I have a table named 'College' and one of its field is for uploading file.

I tool 'File' Data type for this field.

When I go to its properties -> select allowed Mime types and save. But for some reason it cannot be saved!
When I again go to properties, none of the mime type checkbox are checked!!

I think, for this reason, I cannot upload any of the file here.

How can I fix this? What will be the reason which don't allow me to upload??

Please help..!!


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Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 16 Aug 2013 14:32 #10788

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Wich Mimes are you choosing ?

Do you have a JS error when you save ?

EDIT : wich PTL ? (Project / Table / Layout)
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Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 18 Aug 2013 22:04 #10811

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It was because mp3 was twice in the Cook list.
You need now to select all the mimes you allow for upload.
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Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 19 Aug 2013 05:28 #10813

First of all thank you so much for the support!

But this is still not working in my project!

It works fine with cook demo, but does not work on my localhost!

The error it gives me is:

Mime type not valid (application/force-download), allowed Mimes are image/bmp - image/vnd.wap.wbmp - application/msword - image/gif - text/html - image/vnd.microsoft.icon - image/iff - image/jp2 - image/jpeg - audio/mpeg - application/pdf - image/png - image/psd - text/rtf - application/x-shockwave-flash - application/x-gzip - image/tiff - text/plain - audio/wav - audio/x-ms-wma - image/xbm - application/x-zip - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - application/vnd.ms-excel - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint :
Impossible to upload file : my_doc.doc

Please find the attachment:

Please help me out what is the problem??


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Last edit: by nvinfotech.

Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 19 Aug 2013 05:30 #10814

I think screen shot is not being attached!!

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Mime type for Data type 'File' not saved!!! 19 Aug 2013 09:03 #10815

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This has been discussed many times on the forum. Please make a little search.

I think the error comes from your PHP installation.
You can try to desactivate this functionality.
function : getMime()

Mime check is highly recommended but is not a real security.
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